Are You A Metrosexual Guy?

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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Do you enjoy wearing fashion or trendy clothes.

" you like shopping for antiques and whipping up omelets? Go for it. Prefer a movie weeper now and then, say a "Sleepless in Seattle" rather than "The Fast and the Furious"? Rent it.

"These men," the study's authors continued, "aren't wimps or effeminate in any way. They're confident in their masculinity and in their sense of self. They tend to be concentrated in and around big cities [hence the term "metro"], but even those outside metropolitan areas are marked by a certain degree of urbanity and sophistication.

"They're knowledgeable about clothes and--unlike the stereotype of the American male--they enjoy shopping for them. They like to look and feel good. Are they gay? Mostly not, but they are comfortable being around people of other sexualities."

That's not metrosexual (which is a stupid name). It is Gay and Lying
This is another study to manipulate, and turn men into something they generally are not. Men must lose their "manliness" and become a irrational, emotional idiot to be accepted by society. Let people be what they be. I'm sick of these Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phill type buttpunchers telling everyone how they should feel and be.

Pass me my beer and a bloody steak and then kiss my unshaved hairy buttocks.
That is monumentally retarded. There's nothing wrong if a guy doesn't enjoy all the typical stupid "guy" flicks, or prefers to look good rather than a filthy slob. But why give them shitty names, and worse, why group them all together in a dumbass category? It just pisses me off to hear expressions like "those people" when spoken by the likes of Fashion people. Then they mention how cool it is to fit into their mold of stupidity. Fuck them.

I don't know about the closet gay thing you mentioned, though. Sexuality is just what gender you're attracted to. Nothing more.

Additionally, I think my post doesn't make much sense. Meh. Didn't sleep well tonight so I can barely keep my head up now.

the only thing that should exfoliate is that article :Smug:
I think stereotypes are stupid, and how if someone doesn't fit the typical male stereotype, they are suspected of being gay. I find the stereotypical male, who is interested in nothing besides drinking beer and watching sports, to be utterly boring. I am not like that myself, but I wouldn't say I am "metrosexual" either. Fuck stereotypes.
I am a hiterosexual guy (aside from heterosexual.) What gets my rocks off is punching people in the face that make stupid posts. I looked up your post and found your ISP and I know where you live....

Yeah can you hit me on right side, I got a tooth over there that is kinda bugging me. Thanks!!! Oh how long will it take for you to come here!!! :D

Sorry if I offended you, not my intention!:wave:
I'm glad to see some europeans are agreeing that this kind of overly analytical social psychology bullshit is just that. You know, for all the flack we americans take for being testosterone fueled tasteless 'cowboys' lately, at least in international media. Even here, our left wing elements love this kind of stuff, they even spend taxpayer money on this type of research, its ridiculous.
so, i think that this kind of "status" is ridiculous
let ppl do what they like, is it rellay important that, if u choose to listen abba, this means that you're an homo?
bullshits :rolleyes:

Ah fuck it. I like clothes, I like shopping for clothes, I've been decorating the house for the last fortnight and I exfoliate :erk: And I'm a big fag. I'm afraid stereotypes come true over here.
I don't give a rat's ass what people think of me, I am who I am, I like expensive clothes and I like to maintain an appealing image. I really don't have to prove my sexuality to anyone. I like sentimental movies once in a while, I'm not a freakin automaton after all. And I do cook because I really don't want to depend on a woman to do everything for me. I hope I get married sometime, but I do have to plan ahead, I'm quite picky with women after all, so I might be alone for a while.

What I find stupid though, is men who pretend to be what they're not because of all this machismo shit. Of course, for them low minded guys is very important to have a good reputation amongst their male friends, who probably argue about who has the longest penis.
Life Sucks said:
I think stereotypes are stupid, and how if someone doesn't fit the typical male stereotype, they are suspected of being gay.
I agree. That attitude is something I used to have a serious problem with, but then I realised someone who categorises people so hastily and, eventually, disrespectfully, is usually to dumb to be of any concern to me. so a huge *shrug*

By the way, i don't find that kind of pop-psychology semi-research all that ridiculous. sure, don't take it seriously, but that's what popular articles are for. They're someobody's ideas on what's going on around. andother huge *shrug*