Do you shave your eyebrows?

JenniferGentle said:
Your eyebrows are lovely!

Eek, I like men with bushy eyebrows, it seems normal, I don't like when guys WAX. I guess a little plucking is o.k. if they are like out of control and eating their faces...but waxing ::quiver::
thanks, I like them too, that's why I made them look like this (they used to be horrible). :D
My eyebrows are naturally groomed it seems... I've never smoothed them, touched them, combed them... whatever... I am guilty of shaving my unibrow from time to time, but thats it.
AnvilSnake said:
My eyebrows are naturally groomed it seems... I've never smoothed them, touched them, combed them... whatever... I am guilty of shaving my unibrow from time to time, but thats it.
Same here. Girls keep asking me if I groom my eyebrows, but I don't. Except the occasional shaving of the very slight unibrow.
Blackwaternymph, you may want to learn how to spell retarded correctly before you go calling people it.
Nothing at all, it's just funny to call someone's mentality and intelligence held back and hindered when you yourself can't even spell the word.
For the record, I was only making an observation, not trying to insult her. Sometimes you can't tell between the two considering this is only text.