Are you interested in .... ?

Originally posted by Ghostie
Let's show the world that metal heads are not only stupid bastards ;)

:bah: you can be the most intelligent person alive and not like any literature, art or classical music.

:) ..but i guess we all knew that.
do you like paintings of Van Gogh or Alexei Antonov

Do you read books from polite literature ?

Do you listen to classical music ?

I have a shitty poster of Van Goghs "Cafe de Nuit" in my living room. I own quite a few books and I even got a CD with classical music that I occasionally listen to.

Conclusion: I am fucking intelligent! :lol:
i don't know any polite literature except William S. Burroughs. give "Naked Lunch" to your children for christmas.

as for classical, Stockhausen is the man. everybody rips off the Beatles and Karlheinz Stockhausen these days. "H E L L YEAHH!!!"
I think that generally there is a higher quotient of intelligence to be found in fans of Anathema and their like than in music in general... perhaps an artful intelligence.

Not that you'd find much around these parts, though :lol:

For the record I read high-brow literature (I've got a degree in it)but enjoy classical music rather ignorantly (eg I like the tunes but don't know what the fuck they're doing).
i sometimes read books but it's pretty seldom. i barely get interested in books and i've got no patience. so it happens from time to time, like sometimes i can read 5 books in a row, then read nothing in months. i can read all kind of books except cheesy fantastic stuff etc.

for what comes to classical music, i do enjoy Chopin, Liszt or Brahms.

and painting, not that much. yeah okay some paintings are dead good etc but it doesn't affect me or move me at all. but all in all, nothing like SLAYER :headbang:
My god ! :cry:
Why did I start this thread ?? It was a fault. :mad:

But now I will be intelligent enough not to post any other msgs here ;) :p

But you know intelligency not depends on how much books have you read from polite literature nor how much classical music have you heard in your life...

Maybe it depends on how do you react to things... ;)
I listened to classical music only until I was 15-16 years old. Then I went to a lot of rock music and ended up listening to mostly metal. I'm 24 now. Classical is still very important to me and I find myself listening to Debussy, Beethoven, Dvorak and a few others every so often.
I really like art....I can't draw or paint for shit but I like looking at it and I think I have a good eye for it. Some of my favorite artists are:
Frida KAHLO 1 2 3
Heironymous BOSCH 1 (detail) 2 3 (detail)
Gustav DORE 1 2 3

I also read quite a bit....

and as far as classical goes....I enjoy it but it's kind of hard finding stuff that I like because I'm not too familiar with the genre