
God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
I should have started an NFL thread earlier, but usually teams don't play their absolute best until the post-season.

Last night, for the first time in a while, I watched an Atlanta Falcons game. I must say I was VERY impressed, especially with Michael Vick who I think will redefine what it is to be a quarterback.

I say it will be Falcons vs Steelers at the big game.

What say YOU men?
Well done Crusher!

I disagree on both cases. Vick is awesome, but he's new to this kind of pressure. That Eagles defense is a swarming machine right now. Will they over-extend themselves, perhaps, but this is a defense well seasoned to post-season play and they smell blood (championship). I think that the Atlanta defense can stop the run, but I don't think they can do so while flustering McNabb.

The steelers are mighty tough and I love the way they play, but experience in the quarterback position seems paramount in this one. Brady lost two games this year by turning the ball over. Ball control will be priority numer one while the best, arguably, secondary in football takes care of the rest.

There's no substitute for experience and defense wins championships.

Damn was I wrong or what?!?!

I don't understand why Pittsburgh didn't put Maddox in, in the 2nd half? It wouldn't have hurt to at least try. Oh well, at least you gotta give credit to Roethlisberger for an EXCELLENT season, we can expect big things from him next season.

After watching the games Sunday, I've gotta put my money on New England. Any team that can make the Colts and Steelers their bitches surely deserves to win the Superbowl.

I have no idea why Maddox in. It was quite clear to all of us that Roethlisberger (cheers for spelling the name first) had a bad thumb and couldn't through for shit. I don't know what the thought could have been about that.

I'm gonna have to agree with you on the Pats. I've been on the Philly bandwagon for most of the season including after T.O. got hurt. But I agree that New England looked awesome last week. I think that their secondary is well-poised to make the Eagles depend on the run. I think that it will come down to turnovers with the more patient quarterback making it... would it be 4 rings in 5 years?!

As for the disappointed Chargers fan, Timmeth, I hope that you'll understand if a Bengals fan and a Lions fan don't give you one bit of sympathy.
metu said:
As for the disappointed Chargers fan, Timmeth, I hope that you'll understand if a Bengals fan and a Lions fan don't give you one bit of sympathy.
Yeah. It's been tough, but I've stuck with 'em for the good times and the bad times. ....a lot of BAD times.
metu said:
As for the disappointed Chargers fan, Timmeth, I hope that you'll understand if a Bengals fan and a Lions fan don't give you one bit of sympathy.

They should, as they can relate. The Chargers had the second longest playoff drought right behind the Bengals.

gotta' give my team some love, though... they worked their asses off all year long and gave us San Diegans something to be proud of... for the first time in 10 years!
Edgecrusher said:
Yeah. It's been tough, but I've stuck with 'em for the good times and the bad times. ....a lot of BAD times.

never give up on your team no matter what! as I have been through the good and a lot of the really bad and ugly (RYAN LEAF *cough*)
I really wanted to see an all PA superbowl (Pittsburg vs. Philly) just because of the chances that would likely ever happen again. I remember the Mets vs. Yankees a few years back, (they called it the subway series) which was awsome, again, because of the unlikelyness it will happen again anytime soon.
Well, the Lions haven't won a championship since the 50s. Ten years out of the playoffs is quite impressive, but damn. We ranked number one on an SI list of what was basically the most pathetic franchises of all time.

Also, my Lions keep teasing me. A couple of years ago they went 6-2, then 2-6! They barely made the playoffs and lost in the first round. It's such a frustrating team. I, too, am very loyal. Pretty much all Lions fans are. They keep breaking our hearts and we keep coming back for more.

An all PA series would have been cool, but nowhere near as cool as Mets v. Yankees. It's just one game and it's in Florida. The subway series was all in the city of New York and rumour has it that the city was on fire. Also, if you've ever driven across that state you realise how far apart those cities really are.

Ryan Leaf, actually, does get Chargers fans a little bit of sympathy from me, (unlike the Packers choosing Tony Mandrich over Barry Sanders). I think that the Bungels reign supreme in the realm of draft picks which don't pan out, though.
metu said:
I think that the Bungels reign supreme in the realm of draft picks which don't pan out, though.

Akili Smith.... **shudders**
but I am proud that they're showing huge improvement. And if the AFC were as weak as the NFC this season, they would have at least made the playoffs.

I heard a rumor that Los Angeles might be getting a team. (key word: MIGHT)
I used to like your American Rugby (yeah Football is a game you play with FOOT) but then I realised it was just fat junkies hitting each others... so it's pretty spectacular but it's not a sport anymore... :(

I used to support the Raiders so go Raiders even if I don't really care anymore...
Thanks for your insightful comments Tie!

I would like the Raiders more if they had run my man Tyrone Wheatly more.