Arghoslent - best of 2004?

That song is indeed great. The production is more reminiscent of their earlier work, as opposed to Incorrigible Bigotry, but it fits the song really well. I am wondering if this song might possibly appear on their upcoming CD.
Cryptkeeper said:
I'd really like to know the release date for the new album! I wonder if it will pass Incorrigible Bigotry in terms of greatness.

...If it does it will be a great miracle for mankind.
Cheers. Song is okay... doesnt seem all that special. Gotta get a copy of the 7" and hear it properly, methinks. This rip is a little fuzzy.
Arghoslent are a great band. The distro in my signature had a massive amount of Arghoslent stuff awhile back and offered it in a package deal that I was lucky enough to obtain. It had the GTtBR Vinyl, AoG CD-R release, Split with Morbid Upheaval, FtC T-Shirt, Imperial Clans demo cassette and Incorrigible Bigotry CD, although I had him leave off the last item since I already had it. I'd keep an eye open and see if he is able to get a re-stock on any of it, because it seems a lot has sold out. The split would probably only be around $5, I think everything I listed there was $40 altogether, he has good prices.
If you're talking about Nubian Archer, it's 6.14, not 1.19. And also, I agree with whoever said it's ok, but nothing to go ape over.
I haven't found either on DC++

However, Im getting the Nubian Archer from the site. Can someone upload Mob of the Howling though? Or perhaps send it to Melodeath[at]