Art Thread

That is a Font they have been using. I just recreated it and cleaned it up, twisted it in the way thier logo already was etc. . They lost thier original file of the Logo. Though they seemed to be attached to the original version they had, but I can't use it for certain things ( like making the t-shirt ).
The inks for my project "Imitatio Loomis" under inspiration from Albrecht Durer's self-portrait of 1500 in his imitatio christi pose.


btw Em, how come all of your art is about Jeff Loomis?
I mean: yeah yeah yeah I know *why* but doesn't it bother
your teachers? (same subject matter etc)

I try to keep it to one Loomis project per professor. I don't show all of my stuff which is also bogged down with Gettysburg and my comic book obsessions. So my profs don't know the real depth of my fandom.

And that sounded really creepy.
This is taken from the (currently under construction) cover for our album... whenever it ends up coming out.

Kev: really cool!
Whatever happened to that piece you showed me with the hands and sprout?
I was planning on incorporating that element into this, but now that we have no singer (and therefore no lyrics or vocals) we're not sure we'll even use the same lyrical concept so it could end up being irrelevant.