Art Thread


Moonlight Orchid, a some advice if I may: If you want to learn to draw convincingly in any style, even heavily distorted ones like manga, you really need to practice your realism skills first. Because right now, it clearly shows that you don't have enough knowledge of anatomy to be working in a style that deforms it, and that makes your drawings look unconvincing. Not saying they're bad, they're just clearly done by someone who wanted to go straight to manga before properly mastering realism. And contrary to what 99% of aspiring deviantart manga 'artists' think, a distorted style is not an excuse to draw wonky anatomy. Because right now, your hands, legs and hips in particular are all wrong.

Every single good mangaka (or is it mangako in your case?) has started by drawing studies, mastering anatomy and working in a realistic style, only branching out toward manga when they felt they sufficiently mastered realism. That's why they can draw such complex poses without looking unconvincing. So my advice, go back to realism, so that you at least have a basic grasp of anatomy, and then carry on making manga. It may sound tedious, but you'll see, the difference will be immense.

Right now the only piece that has convincing anatomy is the last one, and judging from the difference that one has with the rest of your art, there's either a huge time difference, or (very likely) you traced it, or cheated in some other way.