Art Work

Behold I finaly got the story back from my English teacher (And with much anticipation I got an A for writing it, and putting it together, I am happy! She did make note that this story is too morbid for her own liking.)


In the dungeons of Lum’Dal, an occultist who experiments with psychological, and physical metaphysics, there is an altar to smiles. From his dark dungeons comes the horrible army of Happy Children, an organization of young people who smile at all times. What grizzly experiments have led these youths, filled with so much angst, to be so happy? Drugs? Sex? Perhaps.

In the dungeons of Lum’Dal, where there is but joy, sadness can never come. Why? Why has this dark figure emerged from the pits of Hades to bring into the world Happiness?

“Oh Master! We have found another, unhappy soul, who greatly wishes to become happy like us! We must show him the true path!” said a youthful girl with a wide smile on her face. She seemed almost in pain as she stood there, twitching once in a while, her eyes never blinking. “Please make him happy! He is my brother!”

Lum’Dal who is the master of smiles, leaned over in his throne of bone and beheld a tied up boy, in his earl twenties. He was beaten, bleeding from his forehead, and groaning. “Perhaps he is more than apt for my treatment. He very much looks like he is ready! Come to me, boy, look me in the eyes.” The youth looked up slowly and looked into Lum’Dal’s eyes, the pale gray eyes that he saw mesmerized him; there was no color in them, but absolute neutrality to all things. He couldn’t resist.

“Tell me, boy, does the world treat you liked dirt?” asked Lum’Dal. The boy groaned and nodded slowly. “You see, all humans are just thorns cutting into themselves. It is why I am brought forth from the pits of Hades, to bring happiness to all.” Replied Lum’ Dal. With great effort the boy gathered enough strength to ask, “I have heard of you, you are the cult leader who took my sister. What are you going to do to her?”

“Boy, I bring into this world happiness. That should be more than enough of a good purpose for existence.” Lum’Dal grinned and looked towards a smiling guard on his right, and nodded. With that the guard walked to the beaten boy and dragged him away. “There will be so much happiness in the world” whispered Lum’Gal to himself.

The boy was taken to the altar below, a giant table filled with various sigils and runes that were painted in blood. There he was stripped, and strapped down. No screams can escape that dark room, only laughter and joy. Lum’Dal stood there over him looking down at the boy hungrily, he could smell the fear and agony the boy is facing. This pleased Lum’Dal, such things like fear and agony are worthless to humans, there should only be happiness!

Lum’Dal turned around and danced, like a ballerina, to his table. He took out some tools and skipped back to the boy. He came closer to the boy and put on his mouth a device that would stretch the cheeks, and form a very disturbing and wide smile! The boy started crying, it hurt so much, and there was so much dread! Lum’Dal leaned over and licked the tears off the boy’s eyes. “Do not worry, anymore, boy. There shall be non of that after today. Resistance is futile you see, you will become happy, why fight it?” The boy squirmed as if to reply. He failed to do so.

“You might wonder why I make people happy. It is quite simple, once you are happy, I can feast on your happiness, and that brings me a joy I was born without.” Lum’Dal took out a strange look knife and stabbed the boy’s right arm. The boy convulsed from the pain, he couldn’t open his mouth because of the machine that held it shut and stretched out his cheeks. Slowly the knife was taken out, Lum’Dal then took a jar out and inside was a little worm baby. You see this worm baby was really a pre-born fetus, stolen by Lum’Dal himself out of the womb of his only love he ever had…who had joined his happy ranks. After years of strange occult tortures the baby became more and more worm looking, it grew smaller, and resembled a little worm with a baby’s face on it.

“This, boy, is my child. I name him, Earl. He feeds on sadness and despair, and his feces are nothing but joy and happiness. He will eat your sadness and despair, and leave a trail of joy.” He took the worm like baby out of the jar and held it aloft the boy’s arm, he then looked at the boy and smiled. “This will hurt…a lot.” The worm was dropped, and it writhed and slithered into the skin and began to crawl through his arm. Like a snake under a thin blanket, the worm was under his skin, crawling quickly into his brain, the boy eyes bulged out in pure horror and pain. His gums began to bleed, his teeth came to the point of shattering. Truly, this was what hell was like. After a while the pain was gone. The boy started breathing heavily and began to spasm, lightly.

Lum’Dal hovered over the boy smiling and whispered. “Come Earl, you must come to your room.” With this the boy’s right eye began to bulge out, and from the side came out the little worm crawling and writhing, like a snake. Lum’Dal snatched it quickly and put it in the jar. He looked over the boy and removed the mechanical machine, but the wide smile remained. “How do you feel?” asked Lum’Dal.

The boy’s eyes twitched, he was shacking, sweating, convulsing at the horrors his body endured. He looked over at Lum’Dal with a lot of pain, and replied, “I AM HAPPY!”
Goodness... That sounds nearly as scary as S.King stories.
A somewhat strange month occured to me...full of some very regretful things
Usually I am content with everything that occurs. I haven't felt happiness or sadness in over 2 years- and suddenly a wave of happiness came, followed up the unavoidable sadness.
Thank you all for visiting my deviant art page. I frequently add more and more paintings to it. Recently I added "Skullfook" which I actually painted while listening to you guys and thinking about my dead dog, Mazel. I humbly appologize for not posting anything for almost a month now. I hope you guys are doing great on your album. I cannot wait to listen to it (my mom loves you guys now-so me and my mom party to your CD)

Slowly my contentment with the universe is returning, joy!
BTW borrow or take any images you guys want. i'll send prints to anyone for free - even pay for shipping. This applies to only Forest Stream forum members
OH OH!!! ALSO!!! ONE OF THE IMAGES IS OF A SibERIAN SNOW SCENE WHICH IT HOUGHT WOULD BE AN AWESEOME ALBUM COVER FOR YOU GUYS! (It was a school assignment to do an album cover for your favorite bands)
Painting and Digi-Made
That's cool! Forest Stream is still and cold for a moment as the winter was long and very cold. But quite soon (let's say when one of these bastards is back from his never ending trip) it will arise from its slumber and become a furious flow of the blackest wisdom. (Actually we plan to upgrade our internet page as well) :lol:



This place now is a kind of museum. People come and see these stones, they face what has remained from the darkest stronghold now being demolished. The third epoch is just a history now, but sometimes when nights are especially cold and dark one can see strange things and feel what we call "the pre-appearance". It looks like some shadows probe those rocks, like they search for something, restless and fearless...

And I know, this place isn't abandoned, no! It's just waiting for some sign...

And the time is coming...

I don't think we have to wait long


sounds a lot like my bedroom...I used to and still am into the occult and in my youth ive done some stupid things, now my room is haunted.
:lol: You rock Ayzahar! And don't call occult stuff stupid:)
Why is it so quiet? How should I know? Maybe because people prefer listening to FS and not talking to us. There isn't much to discuss indeed.
Wow! Cool, thanks. And I would never EVER call occult stuff stupid. i just performed some things that weren't the prettiest in the world.