Artsy shit people find brilliant...You not so much.

Thanatopsis123 said:
Reign in Acai said:
O.k i'm checking out this Today is the Day mp3 of Sadness Prevails from the TITD website. WTF Is this 3 minute long scream of "I want you dead?"

well don't expect to LIKE it. It's not a happy happy touchy feely feel-good inside album. No. It's like Ildjarn: Nobody listens to Iljarn because it's a basketful of puppies.

But really, it's a weird album... only as a whole can one fully (if only attempt to) grasp it.
lurch70 said:
haha ... yeah, by questionable reviewer's probably, like some guy from the Toronto Star ... did not see it, but heard all this BS about it, and after seeing that link you put up, have no desire to do so.

The director did Shadow of the Vampire next, a more conventional film, later on ... which i did see ... that one got good reviews also, but was some pretentious crap as well.

His alst film Suspect Zero, was pretty good though, in a Seven kind of way ...

Oh, yeah ... and I am with you on FALILV also ...

Duuuuuude shadow of the vampire is pretty sweet. This movie in that link is fucking retarrrrdedddddddd apparently. I want to kill people that like these movies.
Nate The Great said:
After seeing that clip of Begotten, it is a movie I MUST see. I don't understand some of you guys.

Its a video of some fuck stabbing themselves in black and white...what makes you want to see that?
Hollywood is better then most movies most of the time. I don't care what anyone says. Gimee 'splotions and sexytime over fake "deepness" anytime.
Well if the movie is literally just somebody stabbing themselves in black and white, I don't see the point either.

Then again, I don't know what movie we're talking about or if it's actually just that. I'll stop posting in here now.
Here's a description of Begotten, taken from Netflix.

"Creation, God and Mother Earth get the gore treatment in director E. Elias Merhige's probative and highly controversial film. Teeming with surrealistic images and chronicled without dialogue, the allegorical story opens with a white-robed deity disemboweling himself. From the entrails emanates a new spirit who impregnates herself from the carcass -- but calamity awaits her and her offspring. Definitely not for the squeamish."

There's obviously a lot more than just somebody stabbing themselves. As somebody that majored in English/Creative Writing, "artsy" stuff interests me. As to whether or not this movie is any good, I won't know until I see it. But until then, I am intrigued to see it. You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society. Nothing wrong with that. I just don't get why you lack almost any sense of curiousity.
Nate The Great said:
You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society.


worst. comment. ever.
Hey man, whatever floats your boat. Personally I can't really get into stuff like that simply because it's not important to me. But, if you're interested in it and like to analyze what's going on, more power to you! :kickass:

You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society.

Whoa! Sort of an intense thing to say, don't you think? I'd watch this movie, but I can't see myself being really interested...

worst. comment. ever.

Why? Because it was so true?

I come from one of the most "hick" areas of the US, and the attitude of "I don't want to do/see/learn anything different, because I don't get it" is VERY common. It just seems funny to me that so many people I've come across in other areas of the world/US are exactly like the hicks I grew up around.