Artsy shit people find brilliant...You not so much.

MFJ said:
Whoa! Sort of an intense thing to say, don't you think? I'd watch this movie, but I can't see myself being really interested...

That comment was directed almost entirely at Kill Tully, since he has demonstrated numerous times how closed-minded he is. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just stating the truth.
Nate The Great said:
Why? Because it was so true?

I come from one of the most "hick" areas of the US, and the attitude of "I don't want to do/see/learn anything different, because I don't get it" is VERY common. It just seems funny to me that so many people I've come across in other areas of the world/US are exactly like the hicks I grew up around.

Yea maybe that would be true, if that was the reason AT ALL why we don't want to watch this movie.

What's wrong with never contributing anything creative to society? I was a banker for several years, until I practically killed myself with boredom and lack of creativity. Some people thrive in environments like that. The world operates on a lot more than just creativity.
I can certainly appreciate it on an "artistic" level ... and have always said, that if I can get a "1 minute wow" out of a movie it is worth it ... but this one just always came across as pretentious stuff ... and really never received any great praise from anyone in the film community, except acknowledging it as "different"
I've never been a really big movie buff, I tend to seek artistic perfection in music, mostly, and to some degree visual stuff (as in stuff that isn't motion picture). Maybe if I knew what to look for in movies, I would check them out, but just this whole "Begotten" thing isn't my style.
Nate The Great said:
What's wrong with never contributing anything creative to society? I was a banker for several years, until I practically killed myself with boredom and lack of creativity. Some people thrive in environments like that. The world operates on a lot more than just creativity.

Don't be stupid. This has nothing to do with the argument/discussion.

The point is "people like you" apparently think that liking falsely-deep shit is a pre-requisit to being a creative person. That, GASP, somone who doesn't want to watch a stupid movie that is trying way to hard to be artistic and oh-so-very-deep, which in the end only gives pretentious fucks more "you just don't get it" fodder, could never, ever, be a creative person.
Don't be stupid. This has nothing to do with the argument/discussion.

The point is "people like you" apparently think that liking falsely-deep shit is a pre-requisit to being a creative person. That, GASP, somone who doesn't want to watch a stupid movie that is trying way to hard to be artistic and oh-so-very-deep, which in the end only gives pretentious fucks more "you just don't get it" fodder, could never, ever, be a creative person.

I never said I like it. I said I was interested in seeing it, and I don't understand why some of you aren't.

It's fuckin' VIOLENT and WEIRD. That's why I'd see it. Now, simply based on Lurch's explanation of it getting no praise, and his personal view on it, I'd probably say it won't be anything amazing. But that's because I generally trust Lurch's movie advice.

Concerning the whole "artsy" argument . . . it's been done around here too many times already. I'm through with it.
Nate The Great said:
I never said I like it. I said I was interested in seeing it, and I don't understand why some of you aren't.

It's fuckin' VIOLENT and WEIRD. That's why I'd see it. Now, simply based on Lurch's explanation of it getting no praise, and his personal view on it, I'd probably say it won't be anything amazing. But that's because I generally trust Lurch's movie advice.

Concerning the whole "artsy" argument . . . it's been done around here too many times already. I'm through with it.

No. That isn't what you said. You said, "You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society."
i mean, coming from the guy who did a movie afterwards loosely based on the creation of Nosferatu ... I am not surprised at Begotten ... i think he was trying something on that level with it ... something similar to silent cinema of old with a modern touch.
No. That isn't what you said. You said, "You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society."

I've had a fever for the last 3 days, and I'm having trouble following what people are saying.

Concerning the above statement: How does that hurt your feelings so much. MOST people go through life without contributing anything creative to society. If you want me to explain why I think people that would watch this movie are the types that generally will contribute creatively to society, I already said I'm done with that argument. It's old . . . it's the artsy argument I already said has been done to many times, and I'm tired of it. If you're feelings are turly hurt over that whole thing, then I apologize. I'm not the type of person that wants to sit here and be mean for no reason.
lurch70 said:
i mean, coming from the guy who did a movie afterwards loosely based on the creation of Nosferatu ... I am not surprised at Begotten ... i think he was trying something on that level with it ... something similar to silent cinema of old with a modern touch.

Is it true you didn't like Shadow of the Vampire? Willem Defoe's acting is just kick ass in that. I really loved the whole thing, though. Don't ask me why . . . I just did.
Nate The Great said:
Is it true you didn't like Shadow of the Vampire? Willem Defoe's acting is just kick ass in that. I really loved the whole thing, though. Don't ask me why . . . I just did.

I was more indifferent to it then anyhting ... didn't see the big deal behind it. Defoe was good but as a whole the flick did not work for me.

Check out Suspect Zero ... wasn't a masterpiece by any means either, but at least it was more conventional and suspensful
lurch70 said:
Check out Suspect Zero ... wasn't a masterpiece by any means either, but at least it was more conventional and suspensful

Suspect Zero is the second recommendation for fans of Begotten . . . right behind Army of Darkness.:lol:

I'll ckeck it out.

Right now Netflix is being seriously retarded. Almost all foreign or small independent films come from New York, so they take a week to get here and a week to return. There's a distribution center in Wichita, KS, but since most people in the midwest aren't very "artsy", only the normal movies come and go from there.
lurch70 said:
get me goddamn 40 year old virgin ... and i'll get you Suspect Zero :loco:

We got 40 Year Old Virgin right away, but we've been waiting on Cinderella Man for like 2 months!

I wonder if Neflix is starting to lose a few customers over all this waiting business lately.
Nate The Great said:
I've had a fever for the last 3 days, and I'm having trouble following what people are saying.

Concerning the above statement: How does that hurt your feelings so much. MOST people go through life without contributing anything creative to society. If you want me to explain why I think people that would watch this movie are the types that generally will contribute creatively to society, I already said I'm done with that argument. It's old . . . it's the artsy argument I already said has been done to many times, and I'm tired of it. If you're feelings are turly hurt over that whole thing, then I apologize. I'm not the type of person that wants to sit here and be mean for no reason.

If you can't understand why saying somone will "Never contribute creativly to society" would be very very insulting, then I don't even know what is wrong with you.
If you can't understand why saying somone will "Never contribute creativly to society" would be very very insulting, then I don't even know what is wrong with you.

Gosh. I never knew you were so sensitive. I would think it is pretty obvious that most people DON'T contribute anything creative to society.

Tell me one creative thing you've contributed to society, and we'll have it established that you aren't in the category I've mentioned.

Until then, just quit your crying. I sound like a fucking girl.