Artsy shit people find brilliant...You not so much.

Nate The Great said:
Gosh. I never knew you were so sensitive. I would think it is pretty obvious that most people DON'T contribute anything creative to society.

Tell me one creative thing you've contributed to society, and we'll have it established that you aren't in the category I've mentioned.

Until then, just quit your crying. I sound like a fucking girl.

Its not my fault you said one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard, in my entire life.
JayKeeley said:
Was ist das!!? You obviously don't contribute anything to society. :loco:

You just watch yourself! I took 2.5 years of German in college.

I think I saw some extended version of 40 Year Old Virgin. It was over 2 hours long. Is that the normal version?
It's simple, you call what you like and IS artsy fantsy "brilliant" and what you don't like (and yes, possibly do not understand, it's not bad to admit that you might not understand something) "fake and pretentious". There is a thin line between these 2. That being said, im all over calling directors "Fake and pretentious" (like Lynch), while loving some that others call "fake and pretentious (like Fellini).
IOfTheStorm said:
It's simple, you call what you like and IS artsy fantsy "brilliant" and what you don't like (and yes, possibly do not understand, it's not bad to admit that you might not understand something) "fake and pretentious". There is a thin line between these 2. That being said, im all over calling directors "Fake and pretentious" (like Lynch), while loving some that others call "fake and pretentious (like Fellini).
yeah, Erik. I'm with the Greek on this one :cool:
Nate The Great said:
You just watch yourself! I took 2.5 years of German in college.

I think I saw some extended version of 40 Year Old Virgin. It was over 2 hours long. Is that the normal version?

I can't remember, although it didn't feel like it went on for that long.

The mistake I made with Wedding Crashers is that I watched the "uncorked" directors cut, and for the love of goat, it went on for 2:45 minutes and quite honestly, 45 minutes was just complete cutting floor garbage.

"Directors Cuts" 90% of the time just ruin the movie. If it's a cult classic, or something where I'm genuinely interested in seeing additional footage, I'll check out the directors cut otherwise theatrical cut all the way from now on.
IOfTheStorm said:
That being said, im all over calling directors "Fake and pretentious" (like Lynch), while loving some that others call "fake and pretentious (like Fellini).

I know some people do this, but in the example of Fellini and Lynch, that IS their style, proven over decades and dozens of movies ... that IS them .. real ... true ...

On the other hand, one off drivel like Begotten or Magnolia definetelly falls in the pretentious artsy fartsy category, as all it acomplishes is to show off some skill the creator might have ... but to me the "soul" is not in it.

And their subsequent work is nothing like it ...
JayKeeley said:
"Directors Cuts" 90% of the time just ruin the movie. If it's a cult classic, or something where I'm genuinely interested in seeing additional footage, I'll check out the directors cut otherwise theatrical cut all the way from now on.
apparently the blade runner director's cut is like massively, massively better than the theatrical version? maybe i should check that out cuz i saw the "normal" version and was far from impressed, though i like the concept...
IOfTheStorm said:
Example: If someone says that "2001 : A Space Odyssey" is pretentious, then he 1000000% did not understand it. If he says the same about "Une Chien.." by Bunuel, he might be right.

Agreed 100% ... as I said above ... Kubrick is another director that cannot be possibly understood by watching one movie ... but his body of work speaks volumes.

Remember how CF got killed for Cherry Orchards ... :loco: .. this is something on that level
lurch70 said:
I know some people do this, but in the example of Fellini and Lynch, that IS their style, proven over decades and dozens of movies ... that IS them .. real ... true ...
Hmm well add "senseless" next to Lynch then. By the way what is his style? The one in "The Elephant Man" and "Straight Story" (the only Lynch movies i really LIKE, a lot too) or the one in "Lost Highway"?
cthulufhtagn said:
apparently the blade runner director's cut is like massively, massively better than the theatrical version? maybe i should check that out cuz i saw the "normal" version and was far from impressed, though i like the concept...

Put it this way -- I was one of the few people that quite enjoyed the Harrison Ford narrative overdubs in the original format. Oh well.

But yeah, recrafting the film they way they did allowed for some further closure on Decker's character.
Nate The Great said:
There's obviously a lot more than just somebody stabbing themselves. As somebody that majored in English/Creative Writing, "artsy" stuff interests me. As to whether or not this movie is any good, I won't know until I see it. But until then, I am intrigued to see it. You people that don't even have an interest in seeing it, are the types of people that will never contribute anything creative to society. Nothing wrong with that. I just don't get why you lack almost any sense of curiousity.

hahahaha... we're twins
What I don't get is how someone like nate ends up working on a farm. It seems to me that he was destined for greater things, like animal porn or something.