As requested, raw tracks for the Arch Enema stuff...

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Back when I first posted this song, alot of people were interested in getting the tracks, and doing their own mix of it. At the time, there wasn't much point (no DIs, drums were a mess) but a while ago I re-recorded it with DIs and re-did the drums. So, I thought I would share.

Some notes: I know the first solo has one sloppy-ass lick in it, but I really liked the sound of the lick but couldn't really do it at the tempo of the song. Just pump up the distortion or something.

I had some other notes aswell, but I forgot most of em. I didn't really knew what to do with the drums, I just bounced a Midi file of it so you can import it into your daw or something.

Let me know if you have any questions!

EDIT: I, of course, did my own new mix of it. Much better, but still kinda crap I guess.
Downloading now, I'll have to use amp sims for guitars though, damn I really need an interface with proper outs so I can do some reamping. Was this in C?
Downloading now, I'll have to use amp sims for guitars though, damn I really need an interface with proper outs so I can do some reamping. Was this in C?

C#! The original was in E, but my guitar was in C# anyway, so I just said fuck it. There might be some very small intonation issues with it though, but I didn't notice anything that bad.

-Gavin-: Thanks alot! I'm working on laying down vocals for some other Mammoth songs aswell, but I'm having some difficulties getting my shit in gear, and my voice in shape. (I've been kinda slacking with it for a while now, but I'm getting around to it!)

EDIT: Oh yeah, the guitars are triple tracked, with the intention of course being L/C/R. The harmonies are done by the middle guitar, (I think it's number 3) and was ment to harmonize with the guitars on the sides. However, in my own mix I didn't really feel the need of using a center track, so I just put the center track to the left, and discarded the dub track. (If that makes any kind of sense)
I made a quick rough mix of the middle part and went for an oldschool swedish vibe.

You should play lower notes on the bass track where the solo is, it sounds somewhat hollow now, just on the solo part there. Just my 2c. The rest is ace! :D

EDIT: Please relisten, I just updated kick/snare etc.

Sounds great!

Some distortion/clipping on the drumfills for example @ sec 12 and 21 etc... maybe there is a plugin clippin..
haha, that would be something! Never say never, as they say. And glad to hear that you are digging it, I'll have to bitchslap my ass in shape and get the other vocals down then!