As the World Bleeds on YouTube

Well, I don't think it makes any difference whether you think you would mind if someone did something similar with some product of yours. What really matters is that you treat others as you would like to be treated. If you had something you had put effort into and didn't want others to steal the idea, you would understand. Even if you have never been in that position, you should act as though you had and try to understand their feelings.

I'm not saying there's no gray area; in general, though, it's a good idea to have respect for the time and effort that others put into developing an idea, whether or not it can easily be duplicated.
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but maybe you should be a bit more precise about what you find offensive and why...

Sorry about that. People willing to steal music are lawless and will do whatever they want regardless of legality. But as you explained, in different places there are different laws. that argument Matt and the guys should burn their records and start playing the "good ol' hymns" instead. ;)

You know, many of Theocracy's Christmas songs are hymns.
Sorry about that. People willing to steal music are lawless and will do whatever they want regardless of legality.
Yep that's sadly a fact and that's why I stated that the artists should just ignore that and instead concentrate on their fans.
I still won't call it stealing, though and I also don't know any country where the law says so. Still doesn't make it right...

You know, many of Theocracy's Christmas songs are hymns.
I know, but I suppose you haven't read that website (do it if your faith is strong and you want a good laugh). For those guys music is no longer "christian" as soon as there are drums being used (amongst other things).

I like the christmas songs, too. Maybe I should sit down and tab one or two of them since it's that time of the year again... :D
Hows this if Bands wanted you to have songs for free they would let you (HELLO, Theocracy's Christmas songs.) If you want to download a song legally (for free) wait till the person dies (or copyright holder dies) +70 years (in the US), or have the person put it under the Creative Commons license.
This reason is why I use keys when programming things I do not want other people to use with-out permission (even though I'm not that good yet.)
Put music into program terms ATWB is Closed Source while all the Christmas songs are Open Source. (Not the most accurate thing but you get the idea.)