AS UM Forum Compilation

I can offer up the Hosting and Website / Store for people to purchase it if we are "selling it". If we do plan to "sell" it we need to find a way to make it fair for everyone involved.

Let me know what you guys want to do.

I also think if we do this we should document the entire process. Vids, blogs, and what not. Maybe for those of us without full bands that are more "solo" artists we can get some of the others to contribute to one another's tracks as well.

I can also help out with re-amping through my 5150 with the Catharsis DI's for anyone who needs it.

Possibly do a Collaboration disk :)
IMO is better mixing the styles in the same Vol. More variety.
And what happens if there are only 3 songs for hair metal? They wouldn't have any chance! Or perhaps we should decide this, once we hhave all the submissions.

Well, I don't mind taking submissions and normalizing tracks. It is easy.
But I won't be getting submissions until 15 of july cause I will be out 12 days on holydays.

We need someone to do the artwork for each Vol. So as not to be so much work, I think it would be a good idea to have 1 cover, and each Vol. one colour, like i.e GNR - use Your Illusion.

But we need someone to do a basic webpage to host the Vols.

I will write some basic rules soon.
Scratch of the rules.
Add your ideas, and when everything is ok, then we shall open another theard with rules.


- Participants must be registered members
- Music must be Metal in its wide range of substyles.
- Song must be original, no covers.
- Whatever language
- 1 Submission per user
- 44.1 Khz and 16Bits (or 24 Bits)
- No more than 6 minutes tracks.
- Add info: Band’s name, Country, Name Of The Song, Name Of the Album, Year Of The Album, Style, Members, Songwriter(s), Logo, Pic, Year the band was born.
- Quality must be acceptable – NOT accepted songs i.e. recorded live in the rehearsal room… or live shit recorded with a mobile.
- Copyrights: Each of the participant’s problem.
- Submissions from 15 July to 15 September


- We put the songs in different compilations with covers and info of the bands
- Tracks will be loudness normalized so every track sound the same RMS.
- No other processing will be done.
- Every compilation will be in one unique ZIP file with all content inside.
- Host them in HQ Mp3


- Announce and spread it all over the world.
- In your webs, in your radio stations, in forums, friends, family, lovers…
I agree with Jevo's Rules (the song I would submit is something like 6:02, i hope that's acceptable length), although I like the idea about making different genre-ish volumes. I mean, one volume can have any type of heavy, prog, thrash (hair?) metal, while another could have the more extreme types like death, metalcore, (doom?) kind of stuff.
I would be interested in submitting my band. We should have our new release available right around that time (Sept.), so it would be a nice added promo. Depending on when this would all be finalized, I'd also throw my hat in the ring to make the CD cover. There might be some dudes who do better work here, though, so I would defer to them to do the work if they step up and offer their services.