Ask BH!

Well I assume that you already know the "usual" cases as In Flames, Kalmah, Wintersun, Norther etc.


This is kinda new band I've been listening to (players from i.e Impaled Nazarene, Deathchain, Finntroll). I hope it's melodic enough for you:

Survivors Zero:


This is not exactly melodic death metal, but it's melodic still. It has some BM influences, check it out.

Shade Empire:

getting into survivors zero...
BH,whats your real name?


And what's your old account


Brutal Hate what is your favourite BM song?

lol impossible to say just one. But I think here is a good candidate, been on my playlist for years.

and is your quote thing something that Dead said ?

Yes, it is. It was written on Mayhem - Live in Leipzig cover by Dead. It was written in swedish, but my sig is translation of it.

Jag är inte en människa. Det här är bara en dröm, och snart vaknar jag. Det var för kallt och blodet levrades hela tiden."

getting into survivors zero...

Great! :kickass:

Why dont you want to answer our questions anymore? :(

I answer now :D

I read some pages, and based on that I got one question.
Do you realise you're a fucking idiot? You're probably the biggest poser of everyone here

Well I guess that's your opinion and I'm fine with that.

I'm not poser, sorry :)
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Dimebag was a god, he had some groove that no-one in this whole world has.
Overrated maybe, but he was a fucking genius.

I cant make the discission between them ...

Well dude, that's your opinion. I never liked Dime and I don't consider his playing as "godly". Just some basic (IMO boring) riffs, and some average solos.
Well dude, that's your opinion. I never liked Dime and I don't consider his playing as "godly". Just some basic (IMO boring) riffs, and some average solos.

Agreed. There's nothing more annoying than some dimefag in a slipknot shirt berating me just for saying Dimebag is overrated.
Well dude, that's your opinion. I never liked Dime and I don't consider his playing as "godly". Just some basic (IMO boring) riffs, and some average solos.
It's ok man. I understand.

Another question: Slayer and metallica are "overrated" nowadays because they are basicly worshipped by every stereotype metalhead.
But at the same time they literaly changed the life of millions of people by bringing music into their life.
Metal changed my whole way of living and its responsible for who i am and what i have at this moment. And i believe bands like metallica and slayer did the same thing with millions of other people. Is that overrated or underrated?

What are your thoughts on this?
It's ok man. I understand.

Another question: Slayer and metallica are "overrated" nowadays because they are basicly worshipped by every stereotype metalhead.
But at the same time they literaly changed the life of millions of people by bringing music into their life.
Metal changed my whole way of living and its responsible for who i am and what i have at this moment. And i believe bands like metallica and slayer did the same thing with millions of other people. Is that overrated or underrated?

What are your thoughts on this?

Hard question. If we consider that changing peoples lives is itself archievable, then it could be a good thing. People tend to search different things from music: some just want to headbang and listen to Slayer and other want more complex and not something that is produced to the mass. So I'm not saying listening Metallica, Slayer or Pantera is a bad thing, just that those bands haven't got anything to offer for me.

So maybe they changed the lifes of many people and they have worked hard for that position. Still I dare to say, that they are overrated at least from musical point of view. Slayer especially has this weird fan base who think nothing will ever beat it, even though they just play simple stuff and make people buy their records.

What's your opinion on "Make A Change, Kill Yourself"?

Pretty generic and one of the many suicidal BM bands. There is better bands in that genre also, such as Shining, Leviathan etc.