Ask BH!

Never said I didn't like the music - I do in fact.

Fans like BH are stupid though. And now shush, and let me keep trolling the troll ^___________________^
BM is a joke in itself ^_____^

Edit: found one:

"What do you get when you cross gay people, racists, and a touch of retard?

Black metal!"

I think you are joke. :lol:

I heard interesting statement today: 50% of american people doesn't believe in evolution theory. Can some american say something about this? If that statement is correct... :erk:
Here's more jokes I found BTW:

Q: What do you call a rodent that listens to black metal
A: Euronymouse

Q: What does Abbath from Immortal eat for breakfast
A: Celtic Frosties
Q: What does Abbath from Immortal eat for breakfast
A: Celtic Frosties

:lol: that was cute !

@Brutal Hate: I'm not american obviously, but I know some people don't believe in this theory. I heard of it on tv once but in french tv (not only i think...) they tend to exaggerate a little bit too much... But last week, one of my teacher told us about that saying it's because of their religion obviously (the class is about science and research) so in some schools they don't teach the evolution theory to children. she didn't tell us about the percentage though, I doubt it's 50%.
Anyone whose opinion of music is based on its fans is stupid.
It reminds me an Opeth discussion...

@Brutal Hate: I'm not american obviously, but I know some people don't believe in this theory. I heard of it on tv once but in french tv (not only i think...) they tend to exaggerate a little bit too much... But last week, one of my teacher told us about that saying it's because of their religion obviously (the class is about science and research) so in some schools they don't teach the evolution theory to children. she didn't tell us about the percentage though, I doubt it's 50%.
There are actually more than you can imagine. Religion really is a way of life in the USA, that wouldn't be so surprising if there was so many.
@Brutal Hate: I'm not american obviously, but I know some people don't believe in this theory. I heard of it on tv once but in french tv (not only i think...) they tend to exaggerate a little bit too much... But last week, one of my teacher told us about that saying it's because of their religion obviously (the class is about science and research) so in some schools they don't teach the evolution theory to children. she didn't tell us about the percentage though, I doubt it's 50%.

Well if the percentage is correct, americans are really lame. I mean seriously WTF? I hope this doesn't come to Europe.

Nope i dont really know much about BM, but do like a tiny bit of it strangely.

There's nothing strange in that, young one.

There are actually more than you can imagine. Religion really is a way of life in the USA, that wouldn't be so surprising if there was so many.

It's pretty fucked up, don't you think? I mean if you consider that USA is some kinda "world police" and in the same time they deny all the science.

I really hate those creationistists.
Maybe there are more than I want to imagine... We really dont have the same way of seeing and conceiving the world.

@Brutal Hate: It won't come to Europe don't worry. Our history is different. Especially in your country that hasn't the same religious past.
Maybe there are more than I want to imagine... We really dont have the same way of seeing and conceiving the world.
Yeah, a guy walks into the room, says "Someone we never saw made and rules the world, I've read it in this book that four guys wrote 1950 years ago !", and I have to consider his opinion.


Consider mine : "Somewhere in the world, there are people we've never ever seen : the Hobbits. They exist, because I've read it in this Holy Book named LOTR. If not, why would Tolkien have bothered to write it ?"

Alternative : "I worship an alien. I am the only one to see it, but you cannot say I'm insane nor laugh at me, since it's my religion, and religion is sacred."

Alternative 2 : "Brutal_Hate talked to me in my dreams, he urged me to kill newborns in his name because he needs some flesh in view to invocate Chaos on Earth."