Ask Janne!

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Hey Janne,

I'd like to know, when you set about to compose a new song/solo, whether it be for Bodom, Warmen, or what have you, what is your song writing process? Like, what do you think about when writing? In terms of song structuring? Do you compose on paper, or come into a session with specific song ideas first? How about soloing (getting out of the "pattern" rut etc.)? Or is it more just sitting down and screwing around a bit?
hey janne....a few questions
1)are you planning a north america/canada tour in the summer of 2008?

2)Hope your okay with your finger injury, what happened?

3) Heres a funny and stupid question but what the hell...Would you like to tour Pakistan,India and Dubai sometime :P im from pakistan and we suprisingly have quite a bodom following here and i would love to see you guys play live...i cancelled my trip to dubai when u guys couldnt make it there :(...

Cheers and good luck
Hey janne!!

Who do you concider the Mozart of our age, and who would be the modern Salieri?
Hey Janne-hope all is well!:)

I was wondering...

* is there a particular song or solo that you feel is the closest to you, or have the most emotion/connection with, and why?

* growing up, did you have a crush on any famous actress or musician?

* if you could live/vacation anywhere else on the planet, where would it be?

hope your finger is healing up nicely! party on!!!!:kickass:
Hey Janne!
First of all, how are ya?
Hope it's all good :)

I have a's kinda connected to devil's lil girl's first question but I'll ask it anyway:

1.In which song do you feel a lot of emotion when you listen to it? (It doesn't have to be a CoB song)
2.What kind of music where you into as a kid? Was it mostly Jazz or also a lot of other stuff?

I don't know if you think these question's are kinda sucky, but I was curious :)

Thanks :)
hey janne, more sinergy related questions.
is there any new updates from the band since my last question?
also if its possible, could you show kimberly or some other member of the band my fan site id like some feedback from them or something... also, what do you think of it?
thank you!
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