askinkg for advice

damnation is not a good album to start hearing opeth... since their material is quite diferent to wahat you can hear in damnation...
The Guy outside the Windowpane said:
Why was damnation a bad start ?
Because it was more an experiment than anything. Mikael wanted to write a prog album instead of a metal album, so that's what Damnation was. That is not what Opeth sounds like at all, or at least the band that we all love so much. It's good in its own right, but it can't compare to anything else in their catalogue.
Exactly. If you liked Damnation, try listening to some Camel.

If you like death metal, go listen to some Suffocation

If you like both, try buying another Opeth album.

My reccomendation is to get them in chronological order.
The Guy outside the Windowpane said:
Why was damnation a bad start ?

You see here is the story behind damnation, After blackwater park the band went back into the studio with steve wilson to make another record. But before the session, Mikael had a ton of acoustic material he had nothing to do with. So Steve wilson proposed the idea of having two albums at once a heavy and mellow album one each. KOCH records were not easily convinced, but in the end Damnation and its brotherly record Deliverance were released one month apart (basically at the same time in a record calllendar). Damnation is not the true Opeth so to speak. Opeth enjoys Mixing heavy and agressive vocals and riffs with somber mellow vocals and acoustic riffs. If I were you I would go buy the My Amrs Your Hearse Album and the Still Life album. Both of these show the true agreesive Opeth along with some mellow somber parts along the way. Songs like Demon of the fall and The Moor and April Ethereal portray Opeths true colors. If you cant find those records in stores or online, Go buy the Blackwater park cd, another good way to start. Opeth started gaining popularity after the release of that album because of songs like "The Drapery Falls" or "Harvest" is another popular number, along with "The Leper Affinity" and "Bleak" are also some prominant favorites. For me The combination of the forest of october and the drapery falls got me into Opeth, but the first song I ever Heard was "Blackwater Park". I hope I have helped you with your question, If you have any other questions just add to this thread and post below. \/
yeah...if you liked Damnation go listen to some Camel and other Canterbury prog bands

otherwise if you're brave and adventurous start off with Blackwater Park or Still Life
Definitely start with Blackwater Park and work your way backwards [Blackwater Park, Still Life, My Arms, Your Hearse, Morningrise, Orchid] Then I suggest going with Deliverance then Damnation...

Also, start off with the song 'The Drapery Falls' off of the Blackwater Park album... it's track number 4. Although it's considered the 'pop' track of the album, I think it is a great starter song, as it starts off soft then goes into heavy
I started out with Blackwater Park then got Deliverance and Damnation in the same day (at a concert in February :D ). I still do not have any of the earlier stuff, other than mp3s of the playlist from that tour. Actually the show was what actually got me into them... but you wouldnt be able to do the same, being as they wont be touring for a couple more years... (bastards!!! :loco: )

BTW i love your Slaaneshi avatar ;)
I really dont see Damnation as much of a "prog" album people...thats pretty misleading. A song or two might be similar to Camel to some folks here...but Damnation isnt much like Camel at all.

As for the topic at would recommend my arms your hearse next. Maybe the most textured and interesting of the Opeth albums without going too far back in the catalog and losing the quality in production, and diversity in the material.
I would recommend, however, going back to Morningrise, which is the warmest of the other six albums and where you can find nice acoustic parts together with the masterful "To Bid You Farewell."

Anyhow..morningrise reminds me of winter...not grim winter...but the time when snow starts to fade away...
start with still life, its their best album plus it has alot of acoustics and softish singing. 2 full acoustic songs.