Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

It's a good God. It's what a lot of us refer as the ki, shakras or the Holy Spirit, but what really is the unconscious. People's beliefs in gods began when we lost our original connection with nature and Mother Earth. Primitive forms of religion worshiped totem poles or wore masks of animals and more evolved forms worshiped a mother or father figure. The mother's love is supposed to be unconditional like that of a nurturing mother and a father's love is one based upon following principles of reward and punishment. Capitalism is one reason why the father figure of God has endured because it was based upon being part of a frictionless machine, an instrument of capitalism, one based upon reward and punishment. The highest concept of God does not involve the unconditional love of a mother figure or the praise of a rewarding father figure, but is a concept. God is not a person, but the highest ideal.

The unconscious is source of our God. Despite Freud's claims of humanity’s being only sexually motivated, others like Jung have shown that sexuality can not guarantee happiness and that spiritual growth is our ultimate goal. There's a book by a man Erich Fromm called Escape from Freedom that in a quick summary states that by one being free of responsibility and having freedom inevitably gives up their freedom by giving up their life's responsibility up to someone else. It's like saying "hey, I don't want to do the work that you're doing, so you take control of my life." This is what many people do in modern society: they abstract in an object or a person. That’s why we blindly follow leaders, worship idols or father figure like Gods because we don't take responsibility for ourselves; we'd rather leave all the hard work up to "God". People look towards the periphery rather than focusing on the core. Even at our worst times, we hear the voices calling us inside to grow, but why do so few heed the call? Nobody knows what causes people to decide to change. Change begins when we accept the grace of “God”; once we decide, we are able to forgive ourselves from the past, listen to our unconscious and have the courage to face the challenges of change.

Have you heard of the Alpha and the Omega? It's what many Christians refer to as the "second coming". There's something in the universe called entropy which is the measure of disorder in the universe. Entropy states that when material things reach a peak, they are expected to break down and dissolve. Contrary to entropy is the evolution of human spirituality. After thousands of years of religious manipulation, torture and genocides we are more conscious and humanly aware than ever. There's something that cares about us, something that causes us to play a unique role in the process of evolution. The Alpha and Omega refers to the beginning and the end of time. In this confusion of life we ask ourselves where we are going and what is our ultimate goal? It's that the beginning is the end. Evolution is sending us down the path to become one with God, our creator, or the highest concept of him. As terrifying as this responsibility may seem, we have always had the power of choice to be the ones to choose how to live our lives and it seems like whether we like it our not, some powerful force is going to bring our unconscious into our consciousnesses where life could be heaven on earth. We are in essence part mortal and part divine love of God.


anyway, you believe in God; so do you believe he (/ she or it) is a good "god"? :)

It's a good God. It's what a lot of us refer as the ki, shakras or the Holy Spirit, but what really is the unconscious. People's beliefs in gods began when we lost our original connection with nature and Mother Earth. Primitive forms of religion worshiped totem poles or wore masks of animals and more evolved forms worshiped a mother or father figure. The mother's love is supposed to be unconditional like that of a nurturing mother and a father's love is one based upon following principles of reward and punishment. Capitalism is one reason why the father figure of God has endured because it was based upon being part of a frictionless machine, an instrument of capitalism, one based upon reward and punishment. The highest concept of God does not involve the unconditional love of a mother figure or the praise of a rewarding father figure, but is a concept. God is not a person, but the highest ideal.

The unconscious is source of our God. Despite Freud's claims of humanity being only sexually motivated, others like Jung have shown that sexuality can not guarantee happiness and that spiritual growth is our ultimate goal. There's a book by a man by the name of Erich Fromm called Escape from Freedom that in a quick summary states that by one being free of responsibility and having freedom inevitably gives up their freedom by giving up their life's responsibility up to someone else. It's like saying "hey, I don't want to do the work that you're doing, so you take control of my life." This is what many people do in modern society: they abstract in an object, person or government. That’s why we blindly follow leaders, worship idols or father figure like Gods because we don't take responsibility for ourselves; we'd rather leave all the hard work up to "God". People look towards the periphery rather than focusing on the core. Even at our worst times, we hear the voices calling us inside to grow, but why do so few heed the call? Nobody knows what causes people to decide to change. Change begins when we accept the grace of “God”; once we decide, we are able to forgive ourselves from the past, put our unconsciouses word into action and have the courage to face the challenges of change.

Have you heard of the Alpha and the Omega? It's what many Christians refer to as the "second coming". There's something in the universe called entropy which is the measure of disorder in the universe. Entropy states that when material things reach a peak, they are expected to break down and dissolve. Contrary to entropy is the evolution of human spirituality. After thousands of years of religious manipulation, tortures, genocides and empires falling we are more conscious and humanly aware than ever. There's something that cares about us, something that causes us to play a unique role in the process of evolution. The Alpha and Omega refers to the beginning and the end of time. In this confusion of life we ask ourselves where we are going and what is our ultimate goal? It's that the beginning is the end. Evolution is sending us down the path to become one with God, our creator, or the highest concept of him. As terrifying as this responsibility may seem, we have always had the power of choice to be the ones to choose how to live our lives and it seems like whether we like it our not, some powerful force is going to bring our unconscious into our consciousnesses where life could be heaven on earth. We are in essence part mortal and God bestowed with God's divine love.
Exactly my point. People are too lazy, neurotic and prejudiced to learn about themselves or take the responsibility to become one with God. I don't wish that and hope everyone finds the courage to discover that connection within themselves one day.

September 25,1987 at 9:29PM.

Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio

These astrological positions indicate a clever and shrewd personality. You tend to be aggressive and are often downright blasphemous. When crossed you wreak revenge in full measure. You relish displaying your wit and knowledge and make a point of telling others of your various successes and victories. These shows of your achievement, however, are to your detriment because they earn you the ill will of others. You lean toward the darker sides of life, and your imagination can be morbid. You are fascinated by the mysterious, malignant forces in the universe. A nocturnal individual, your thoughts often turn to death, finalities, and the mysteries of life after death.

The key to a more harmonious self lies in developing optimism and recognizing the good that exists in the world.

Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury in the Sixth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Gemini was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mercury is located in the sixth house.

Your ascending sign and the position of its ruler offers general information concerning the overall trends of the course of life and complements the data pertaining to your temperament, given previously by the analysis of the combined positions of the Sun and Moon.

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and among its key psychological influences over life there are the following: intellectual activities, humanism, and abhorrence of violence, constant doubt of all mental concepts, hesitancy and academic interest.

People whose ascending sign is Gemini usually appear as elegant, slender, expressive, and with very humane facial expressions. They are individuals with some literary inclination, dexterous with manual labors and crafts, apt, able, witty, inventive and very curious and subtle.

A Gemini in the ascendant will always distinguish herself by her rather eloquent speech and writing, her much occupied daily life, and her perpetual lack of an ability to effect swift and determined decisions. As a Gemini, you should try to compensate your hesitancy with fast thinking.

Your disposition to life-events will be kind and generous (within bounds) but not always fortunate, because of too much vacillation in decision-making circumstances. You possess the capability of rising in life because of your own intellectual assets.

Your mind is open and generous, and your intellect self-sufficient; yet on many occasions, judgment will appear as "twisted". You should restrain useless discussion, strife, and unprofitable argument as they're your worst enemies.

To achieve success, you should stress your literary and scientific studies, give free hand to your brilliant intellect in warranted circumstances, and apply your diligent nature to writing, traveling, communications, and human analysis. In all these activities you are at your best.

Mercury, the ruler of your life, appears in the sixth house. This is the house of work, health and labor relations.

There appears to be a propensity for mental weaknesses and nervousness resulting from an obsession with ideas, related perhaps to your emotional nature.

The location of Mercury denotes that you are an intellectual worker with a keen and clever disposition to scientific research, yet only your dynamic thrust will bring these tendencies into materialization.

Sun in the Fifth House

The Sun was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This is a very significant location for the Sun.

There seems to be a progressive and gradual expansion of your feelings, especially the generative ones, throughout the years. Your life is oriented towards success in matters of enterprises, businesses, speculations, and society and pleasurable activities. Your love life promises to be very rich and will list many rewarding emotional attachments. In love you conduct yourself with dignity and certain poise.

Your pride is very sensitive in matters connected with your emotional nature. You are easily injured if your possessiveness and majesty in love is threatened. You can be very magnanimous and forgiving with the object of your love, and you will extend many positive qualities along with natural protection and strength.

Venus in the Fifth House

Venus was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. At first glance this denotes rich, intense, and pleasant emotional events that will enhance your psychic nature. You are a person who could be regarded as fortunate in love and very successful. Whereas Venus grants the basic capability to reach full enjoyment from love and emotional involvements, it also indicates a tendency to be somewhat inconsistent, volatile, and changeable in romance. Although you are capable of loving intensely and with devotion, the tendencies are to lose interest after a certain time. You would be in a better position if you could exert some control over your span of interest.

Moon in the Sixth House

The Moon was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. Among other things, this indicates that throughout life your work duties will be varied, multiple, and require contact with many people. Healthwise, this may denote a propensity to suffer through excessive changes and motivations.

Psychologically, this position inclines you to act through subordinate roles rather than those of leadership.

A final psychological trait is a secret desire to become known professionally.

Saturn in the Seventh House

Saturn was found in seventh house at the time of birth. In your dealings with others, you are going to present a very cautious personality and you will work slowly towards the achievement of security. The environment will be a very restricting factor in your life; the same limitations that hinder your relationships with others will emerge in a narrowness of reception to your ideas and emotions. This indicates that the key to more spiritual and material development lies in your response to the several tests destined for you which consist of patiently enduring difficulties through human relationships.

You should remember that Saturn does not lend a propensity to be demonstrative in an emotional sense. It does, in those individuals with whom you will start a lifelong relationship, give a sense of duty and stability of emotions. Yet you are going to experience some sorrow throughout your life in a relationship. This is mostly going to consist of the several limitations that this state is imposing upon your personal freedom.

The key to a better integration of your existence lies in the ability to view these obstacles and binds with philosophical resignation.
@ Ensi - I don't think you actually read my post? Please do.

It's not like I expected the most profound replies from CoBOT, but like I said, who knows what decides people to change. Aleta seemed interested so I had to try and extend God's will to her. Hopefully someone that comes across the post will get in touch with that divine love of the "absolute".
Oh no, please stop with the god talk :erk:

^ See, there's my problem with many religious people, you're not "extending god's will" to aleta. You're just telling her YOUR VIEWS.

And you don't "have" to "extend god's will" to anyone. Religions are fucked up in the way they try to gain as many followers as possible. Surely any Religion that is confident in its own beliefs would only need one member to function.
Oh no, please stop with the god talk :erk:

^ See, there's my problem with many religious people, you're not "extending god's will" to aleta. You're just telling her YOUR VIEWS

It's not about "god" in the traditional sense of the word, but the capacities of humanity. There is no actual God, only your own truth, the one YOU decide to be true for you. Aleta is her own God, she's free to choose whether or not to believe these things true or not.

And you don't "have" to "extend god's will" to anyone. Religions are fucked up in the way they try to gain as many followers as possible. Surely any Religion that is confident in its own beliefs would only need one member to function.

If you read the post you'd understand I'm not trying to make anyone follow a religion; I'm trying to enlighten those that everyone is their own God. Truth is a pathless land. If one is a leader, the pupil becomes a follower. If one is a pupil, they accept the leader as authority. I don't matter in this situation, it's the information being written here that does. I'm trying to empower you to be your own God. It's up to you to take control of your own life and not give it up to any institution or relgion.
Herman Li as your avatar really suits your posts:lol:

And please don't make me read your post. It was so long.

Oh and yeah, be your own god and such, nice stuff.

Also, Buddhism is the only good religion.
Herman Li as your avatar really suits your posts:lol:

And please don't make me read your post. It was so long.

Oh and yeah, be your own god and such, nice stuff.

Also, Buddhism is the only good religion.

That's the beauty of it; you don't have to read my post :)

Cool! Buddhism and the east have had similar concepts to what I was mentioning as "God" as the highest ideal; perhaps take a look at my loooong post? :lol: It may interest you!
That's the beauty of it; you don't have to read my post :)

Cool! Buddhism and the east have had similar concepts to what I was mentioning as "God" as the highest ideal; perhaps take a look at my loooong post? :lol: It may interest you!

With the epic power proportions of my mere human mind, I am going to go on a epic journey to the previous page of HTML, and read with nothing but my mind the block of letters that you describe "God" in.
Ok I read it (I made it through!)

But using the word "God" all the time is making me think you are making us convert to Christianity. Without we even knowing it:lol:

I really get what you mean. Be your own master and all that stuff, evolve, your life your decisions, etcetc

There's something in the universe called entropy which is the measure of disorder in the universe. Entropy states that when material things reach a peak, they are expected to break down and dissolve.

Wrong. Entropy is always misunderstood as the measure of disorder, but it's not that simple. It's a measure of, given a macroscopic system, the amount of microscopic information you lack. For example, given an ice cube, its entropy is how much information you don't have about individual velocities and positions of individual particles.

That is sometimes different from disorder, for example, if you consider a meteor cloud, the state of most entropy happens when gravity binds them all together in a single mass - and that's more ordered than the earlier state, not less.
Wrong. Entropy is always misunderstood as the measure of disorder, but it's not that simple. It's a measure of, given a macroscopic system, the amount of microscopic information you lack. For example, given an ice cube, its entropy is how much information you don't have about individual velocities and positions of individual particles.

That is sometimes different from disorder, for example, if you consider a meteor cloud, the state of most entropy happens when gravity binds them all together in a single mass - and that's more ordered than the earlier state, not less.

I think I get what you're saying. Sure there are some contradictions and paradoxes out there like the Meteor Cloud (not sure if it's true or not, just taking your word for it), but I'm talking about the generalized form. Regardless of the velocities of particles and the unknown variables which cause the ice to melt in a specific way it is bound to break down just like other materials sometime. That is why contrary to the way things seems to die, why is it that human consciousness and spirtuality have not? There's some divine force leading us to these spiritual revelations whether we like it or not.
I think I get what you're saying. Sure there are some contradictions and paradoxes out there like the Meteor Cloud (not sure if it's true or not, just taking your word for it), but I'm talking about the generalized form. Regardless of the velocities of particles and the unknown variables which cause the ice to melt in a specific way it is bound to break down just like other materials sometime. That is why contrary to the way things seems to die, why is it that human consciousness and spirtuality have not? There's some divine force leading us to these spiritual revelations whether we like it or not.

No, no, that's not it. What I'm saying is, entropy is *not* associated with disorder. It's like that in some systems, but in general it is not. The meteor cloud thing was just an example to show that - gravitation is a clear cut example where that is not true. There are many others.