Yes, if we're able to break free from our millions of years of psychological conditioning.
See, here's the deal. The laws of science are either deterministic (given inputs, you know exactly what the outputs are) or have some degree of randomness (somewhere along the way there's a die roll). Somewhere along the chain a conscious being should be able to make choices, but it's nowhere to be seen.
Point being, we may THINK we choose, but... do we?
Science is very formulated in the sense that scientists all over the world have data that they compare to conclude whether something to be consistantly true or not. My proposal is to somehow integrate the realm of science to miracles such as synchronicity and people beating uncurable diseases. In the scientific world if something is very difficult to figure out such as the immesurable realm of spirituality, shouldn't that give them more motivation to figure it out instead of give up?
Exactly. Except when there's nothing to figure out. You can't measure, it's not there, plain and simple. Before you argue that there could be interactions which we can't measure - we can obviously measure their EFFECTS. And every study came up blank.
Example: a study on astrology I've seen.
An astrologer is given accurate data of an individual, and asked to draw a natal chart. He's then given 3 psychological profiles, one of which is his "client"'s, and is asked to best match them to the natal chart he's drawn.
The astrologers nailed the impressive mark of 33%.