Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

Oh no, please stop with the god talk :erk:

^ See, there's my problem with many religious people, you're not "extending god's will" to aleta. You're just telling her YOUR VIEWS.

And you don't "have" to "extend god's will" to anyone. Religions are fucked up in the way they try to gain as many followers as possible. Surely any Religion that is confident in its own beliefs would only need one member to function.

Wrong. Some religions actually do not function in the proposed way. In the book of Testament, it can be interpreted that humanity in all will be judged on judgment day, and that all will either go to hell or heaven. Thus, some religions do want to convert all to their religion in order to "improve" humanity for judgment day. If you look at the metaphysical poet John Donne, in one poem he describes (I can not remember the specific poem as it's been ages..) that all should mourn within the church of the passing of strangers, suggesting that we are all connected and so is our destiny.

And not to get any one mixed up, I do not say this are my views. However, this is one explanation for why some religions want to get as many followers as possible. However, it is more than odd that the religions that preach that only a certain number of people will get to heaven try to advocate their teachings on others (Jehovah's Witnesses?). But I do stand by this point: Religion is a brilliant money maker. And I can seriously not stand anyone trying to force their views on me, especially the people who think disturbing me at home is an excellent idea. Oh, and that life is a sin type preach is lulz.
You just use a fucking website? :O

I thought you were a witch with some sort of super powers or something. :(

:lol: you never know :p

anyway, I use a website because the calculating process is automatic. I do however have a book on astrology. I'm just lazy and still need house charts (and have no idea how to get them, because you can't find things like that in my city).

btw, if we ever meet you'll know why sometimes people do call me a witch ;)
I let's say 4 in the night, time o birth. You got all the other info:p


you don't really have much potential to become a famous person on your own, because you're way too emotional. if you surround yourself with people who are more "down to earth" you have good chaces.

work on yourself, and try not to brake any promises or go back on your word.
if people depend on you don't let them down.
respect other people even when you don't agree with them.
every religion is an opium for the masses. the only way to enlightenment is finding what's inside ourselves. no matter who or what we believe in we'll know we're believing the right thing if we have no more doubts or questions about what we believe in, when all our questions have their anwsers...

what most atheists say - seing is believing; is true, but there are more than one ways of "seing" things... we have more senses than we use at the present time in everyday life.
and I do believe aliens live among us. but there are more interpretations of the word alien.

this is one of the more important problems in human interaction - there are practically always more ways to see one word.

like, how would you define moral? or transcendental (what is transcendental for you; ghosts, aliens etc. or the concept of the universe being infinite)? - in most cases people get the wrong idea of someone's explanation because they have a different view of one word. we all have certain definitions of one word, and someone else's definition of it is not necessarily wrong. it's just a different interpretation.

@ Noble Viking; I get what you're saying, but I agree that you're using the word "God" too often. even if it stands for something other than the christian definition of the "all mighty entity that created us" it is still used mostly by them, so everyone's used to God representing the christian god, and not what you're talking about. there are more phrases you can use for it.
im not in on this convo but i believe that religion is the business of selling hope and i think its kind of retarted, im against organized religion but i believe in god but i also have doubts about christianity, they say that there religion is the only one and all others are fake but thats what all the other ones say to, how can we tell if OURS is the right one, we can't
It's a good God. It's what a lot of us refer as the ki, shakras or the Holy Spirit, but what really is the unconscious. People's beliefs in gods began when we lost our original connection with nature and Mother Earth. Primitive forms of religion worshiped totem poles or wore masks of animals and more evolved forms worshiped a mother or father figure. The mother's love is supposed to be unconditional like that of a nurturing mother and a father's love is one based upon following principles of reward and punishment. Capitalism is one reason why the father figure of God has endured because it was based upon being part of a frictionless machine, an instrument of capitalism, one based upon reward and punishment. The highest concept of God does not involve the unconditional love of a mother figure or the praise of a rewarding father figure, but is a concept. God is not a person, but the highest ideal.

The unconscious is source of our God. Despite Freud's claims of humanity being only sexually motivated, others like Jung have shown that sexuality can not guarantee happiness and that spiritual growth is our ultimate goal. There's a book by a man by the name of Erich Fromm called Escape from Freedom that in a quick summary states that by one being free of responsibility and having freedom inevitably gives up their freedom by giving up their life's responsibility up to someone else. It's like saying "hey, I don't want to do the work that you're doing, so you take control of my life." This is what many people do in modern society: they abstract in an object, person or government. That’s why we blindly follow leaders, worship idols or father figure like Gods because we don't take responsibility for ourselves; we'd rather leave all the hard work up to "God". People look towards the periphery rather than focusing on the core. Even at our worst times, we hear the voices calling us inside to grow, but why do so few heed the call? Nobody knows what causes people to decide to change. Change begins when we accept the grace of “God”; once we decide, we are able to forgive ourselves from the past, put our unconsciouses word into action and have the courage to face the challenges of change.

Have you heard of the Alpha and the Omega? It's what many Christians refer to as the "second coming". There's something in the universe called entropy which is the measure of disorder in the universe. Entropy states that when material things reach a peak, they are expected to break down and dissolve. Contrary to entropy is the evolution of human spirituality. After thousands of years of religious manipulation, tortures, genocides and empires falling we are more conscious and humanly aware than ever. There's something that cares about us, something that causes us to play a unique role in the process of evolution. The Alpha and Omega refers to the beginning and the end of time. In this confusion of life we ask ourselves where we are going and what is our ultimate goal? It's that the beginning is the end. Evolution is sending us down the path to become one with God, our creator, or the highest concept of him. As terrifying as this responsibility may seem, we have always had the power of choice to be the ones to choose how to live our lives and it seems like whether we like it our not, some powerful force is going to bring our unconscious into our consciousnesses where life could be heaven on earth. We are in essence part mortal and God bestowed with God's divine love.

wow Chris, I didn't know you were so versed in spirituality. But I would like to voice a few disagreements here:

When you say "There's something that cares about us, something that causes us to play a unique role in the process of evolution", what is this something you are referring to? Is it "god"? because if it is, then what you're saying is kind of a tautology (or maybe not tautology but I can't think of a more precise word). Like if we are our own god, and god is what is causing us to play a unique role in the process of evolution, then you are giving no new information here. you are saying that we are causing ourselves to keep living and evolving. nothing really spiritual about that, at least in the metaphysical sense.

In this confusion of life we ask ourselves where we are going and what is our ultimate goal?
This is a weakness of humanity. To ask questions such as this one is utterly futile. Why are humans so concerned about the meaning of everything? What is the meaning of life, etc. We are questioning and curious beings, yes. but this doesn't mean that our questions have answers to them, let alone any importance attached to them. they are fleeting as the lives we live. I know there are some philosophers (Aristotle for one) who believe that even after a person dies, their sould lives on. So they would say that we never actually have an end to ourselves, but only to the body. But again, why do humans need the urge to believe that part of them is immortal and that there is a goal for the individual? I believe that this is just characteristic of our rational minds, but in the end, it serves no actual puropse. There is no real purpose or meaning to anything "out there". It's just humans ascribing meaning to things.
wow Chris, I didn't know you were so versed in spirituality. But I would like to voice a few disagreements here:

When you say "There's something that cares about us, something that causes us to play a unique role in the process of evolution", what is this something you are referring to? Is it "god"? because if it is, then what you're saying is kind of a tautology (or maybe not tautology but I can't think of a more precise word). Like if we are our own god, and god is what is causing us to play a unique role in the process of evolution, then you are giving no new information here. you are saying that we are causing ourselves to keep living and evolving. nothing really spiritual about that, at least in the metaphysical sense.

Thanks for reading and taking notice! I just wanted to say I don't claim to speak the truth and as concerned human beings, we're having a friendly conversation :)

God is not "known". People may abstract and conjour up images of a god in their head, but no one has actually seen or met God. "Kingdom of heaven", "God", "hell" are all metaphores; no one has actually been to, seen or met these projected images, but they refer to humanity's feelings of love and bliss, depression and negativity and the highest ideal. The best way to describe this metaphysically is that God is "The Absolute Nothing".

This is a weakness of humanity. To ask questions such as this one is utterly futile. Why are humans so concerned about the meaning of everything? What is the meaning of life, etc. We are questioning and curious beings, yes. but this doesn't mean that our questions have answers to them, let alone any importance attached to them. they are fleeting as the lives we live. I know there are some philosophers (Aristotle for one) who believe that even after a person dies, their sould lives on. So they would say that we never actually have an end to ourselves, but only to the body. But again, why do humans need the urge to believe that part of them is immortal and that there is a goal for the individual? I believe that this is just characteristic of our rational minds, but in the end, it serves no actual puropse. There is no real purpose or meaning to anything "out there". It's just humans ascribing meaning to things.

True. We do put our own meanings to life, but I think there is a depper meaning to life than absolutely nothing. The difference between attaching our own meanings to life and sprituality is that spirituality is a lesson we are learning whether we like it or not. It just happens. It's seems we are learning that we have to do things the way we never wanted to do them. After the corruption of the church in the late Roman empire, we came into a linear world created by people like Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo that discredited anything that couldn't be physically measured like spirituality. Scientists figuired out formulas that explained everything and when asked about God, he was merely something that set the universe into motion and nothing more. After a high point of science and materialism reached after the atomic age, people asked themselves what now? You could get more and more materials, but never be happy emotionally. It was after the development of modern psychology and the paradoxes of metaphysics that the walls of old paradigms were broken down. There are things that are unexplanable, that cannot be measured that exist. What is the meaning of evolution spiritually? This is what I mean by the "absolute nothing" and the "alpha and the omega". The "One" or whatever you want to call it is showing us how to measure the immeasurable. As technology and communications make the world more interconnected, we're more conscious about the world than ever. We are on a unique path fulfilling the incompleteness of the last generations. We are approching the "Omega" and realzing our return to the "Alpha". We are visualizng a history and a future that never ends through our connection to the highest ideals and our capacities of love.
Thanks for reading and taking notice! I just wanted to say I don't claim to speak the truth and as concerned human beings, we're having a friendly conversation :)
I agree :)

God is not "known". People may abstract and conjour up images of a god in their head, but no one has actually seen or met God. "Kingdom of heaven", "God", "hell" are all metaphores; no one has actually been to, seen or met these projected images, but they refer to humanity's feelings of love and bliss, depression and negativity and the highest ideal. The best way to describe this metaphysically is that God is "The Absolute Nothing".
I find it contradictory to say that god is the "absolute nothingness" and yet attach all these meanings to this nothingness such as love, bliss, depression, spiruality, etc. I think one of the biggest misunderstandings that humans have is to fear the concept of true "nothingess". All of us have been taught that we live life for something and when we die, we actually go somewhere. Hindus believe in reincarnation, Christians believe in heaven and hell, etc. People are scared to actually acknowledge the fact of pure nothingess. When we die, I believe we become nothing. Even now, I believe that we are nothing. There is no spiritual nor metaphysical realms that we dream of. These are all conjures of the human mind. I understand it is a part of our culture and has been since the first developments of civilization, but we must ask why they have to come to be. I believe it is because humanity has always been scared to realize the absolute nothingess that truly surrounds us, that we truly are ourselves.

It's funny because, we're saying very similar things, but we approach it in different ways.

True. We do put our own meanings to life, but I think there is a depper meaning to life than absolutely nothing. The difference between attaching our own meanings to life and sprituality is that spirituality is a lesson we are learning whether we like it or not. It just happens. It's seems we are learning that we have to do things the way we never wanted to do them. After the corruption of the church in the late Roman empire, we came into a linear world created by people like Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo that discredited anything that couldn't be physically measured like spirituality. Scientists figuired out formulas that explained everything and when asked about God, he was merely something that set the universe into motion and nothing more. After a high point of science and materialism reached after the atomic age, people asked themselves what now? You could get more and more materials, but never be happy emotionally.
This is more of a personal question directed at you, but if you realized that material goods will never suffice for happiness, then what are you doing still living here in LA? With your philosophy on life, it seems like you should be somewhere in Asia living a more simple and spiritual lifestyle :p

It was after the development of modern psychology and the paradoxes of metaphysics that the walls of old paradigms were broken down. There are things that are unexplanable, that cannot be measured that exist. What is the meaning of evolution spiritually? This is what I mean by the "absolute nothing" and the "alpha and the omega". The "One" or whatever you want to call it is showing us how to measure the immeasurable.
Again, I think you are asking questions just for the sake of it and because you have created a thirst you cannot satisfy. I don't blame you though. This is how we have been taught to direct our minds.
I find it contradictory to say that god is the "absolute nothingness" and yet attach all these meanings to this nothingness such as love, bliss, depression, spiruality, etc. I think one of the biggest misunderstandings that humans have is to fear the concept of true "nothingess". All of us have been taught that we live life for something and when we die, we actually go somewhere. Hindus believe in reincarnation, Christians believe in heaven and hell, etc. People are scared to actually acknowledge the fact of pure nothingess. When we die, I believe we become nothing. Even now, I believe that we are nothing. There is no spiritual nor metaphysical realms that we dream of. These are all conjures of the human mind. I understand it is a part of our culture and has been since the first developments of civilization, but we must ask why they have to come to be. I believe it is because humanity has always been scared to realize the absolute nothingess that truly surrounds us, that we truly are ourselves.

Our world is wonderous and mysterious. The immensity and totality of knowledge could never be fully grasped by oneself, but what increases is our comprehension about the world. Let me first recommend reading about recent scientific paradoxes contrary to our rational world that confirm metaphysics. The concepts of atomic particles, energy and especially light have proven that there are things that are unexplanable. We are products of light made of swirling particles of living energy.

The psychological revolution in the mind has no substitute. A healthy and alert mind is always skeptical like you have, but the skeptics are usually the ones that haven't had a first hand spiritual realization for themselves. It would be true nothingness if we wern't able to think or feel. We are blessed with a basic cognitive process called intuition. In this spiritual lifestyle there are no promises of an after life. Everybody lives life on earth, but not the same quality of life. By quality I don't mean material possesions, but our approaches to life through love that enhance our understanding, sensitivity and emotional well being. Life is difficult and problems will always exist; what changes is our realtionship to them.

The answer to the question "why" things have come to be is not really known except that we all hear the voices from our unconscious suggesting us to grow. One thing is certain, something is sending us down this path of physical, sociologial and spiritual evolution. An infantile regression into nothingness will make us repeat the same steps again; that's why we have made mistakes. It's because evolution is showing us what is "right" from "wrong" through the meanings we've given life. We now do not dwell in the past, but take the knowledge into a more mature future. We are a result of what we have thought and the universe responds to our consiousnesses. In an ideal world the means would justify the end. If we listen to the feelings of love intuit in our hearts, we can reap the benefits of trust and confidence. Through finding the light inside we can build a better world for ourselves and others.

This is more of a personal question directed at you, but if you realized that material goods will never suffice for happiness, then what are you doing still living here in LA? With your philosophy on life, it seems like you should be somewhere in Asia living a more simple and spiritual lifestyle :p

Thank you for the suggestion and keeping the dialouge open. We are on unique paths where people are meant to come across our own truths whether they agree or not. I find that the greatest conduits of information come from other people. Leonardo gave me a clearer definiton of entropy through this chat for example :) Through conversations and asking questions, I hope to find the answer to the question of where I belong one day.
Question: How are you so certain that "love", "Sensitivity" and "emotional well being" is more than chemical reactions in our brain, what do you base this assumption on?
@ Muffin

I base these claims off of the faculties of the mind. No one knows how they work. If emotions were simply chemical reactions, do you not think that someone would have found the variables, equations and formulas for optimum mental stability? Despite all scientific research, no one has figured out what makes a person choose to decide to do something, change or adopt these feelings of love, compassion and understanding. These feelings to change and grow is what I refer to as grace. Grace occurs for example when we overcome addictions, forgive others and ourselves of the past, recover from seemingly irreparable losses of loved ones and realize that every moment we are alive presents a new opportunity to change and start again. We are FREE TO CHOOSE the ways we want to live. What makes those heed the calls of the unconscious? Why are all called upon, but so few chosen? It is grace. It's our ability to realize we are our own Gods. Consciousness in itself is a miracle and so is the ability to have the choice in the ways we decide to live.
I love how 'discredited anything that couldn't be physically measured' is said like it's a bad thing :lol:

Science is very formulated in the sense that scientists all over the world have data that they compare to conclude whether something to be consistantly true or not. My proposal is to somehow integrate the realm of science to miracles such as synchronicity and people beating supposed uncurable diseases. In the scientific world if something is very difficult to figure out such as the immesurable realm of spirituality, shouldn't that give them more motivation to figure it out instead of give up? :p

And about the 'we are free to choose' stuff... are we? ;)

Yes, if we're able to break free from our millions of years of psychological conditioning. :)