I would put Ted Kirkpatrick of Tourniquet up against any of the mentioned drummers. Jason Rullo has my second place vote
Vaibanez said:At this moment, I'd say Richard Chirsty is my fav. drummer. I've really been into The Sound of Persevernce lately..
Djm said:Other. Martin Lopez of Opeth.
Velocity said:Mike Portnoy is the best drummer ever, I like his style and his my favourite drummer for all time. I think Jason Rullo is a very good drummer, but Portnoy is the best.
Just think, if you add Mike Portnoy to Symphony X and Jason Rullo to Dream Theater, both band would not be the same....... I think Jason Rullo playes more difficult odd times, but anyway Portnoy has a faster tecnique and a very cool drumming, hiting on everything.
Demonspell said:Current favorites besides those in the poll include Sean Reinert, Martin Lopez, Thomas Lejon, Johan Langell, John Macaluso, Alex Arellano, and the godfather of all prog drummers Bill Bruford...
Demonspell said:The godfather of all prog drummers Bill Bruford...
Chainrider said:I totally disagree. I think Rullo could mop the floor with Portnoy. I think Portnoy has done an amazing job on Dream Theater records, however, Jason Rullo, plain and simple is the better drummer. Not only has Rullo extensively studied drums and percussion, he has been able to play simple and basic when needed. Listen to Divine, and hear how basic it sounds. Portnoy tends to overdo things, and only has a small number of tricks.
But I am in no way calling Jason Rullo the best drummer ever. Jarzombek, Donati, Bozzio and Chambers (to name a few) are on a whole different level.