They got signed partly because the singer and "lead" guitarist's old band were on the verge of getting signed when they spilt up, and partly because the singer's dad has contacts. Their first gig was supporting Napalm Death
I played bass for them for a bit, and the whole thing was like a sitcom or something - they used to rehearse so quietly you could pretty much talk over it (including the drums); they literally stopped dead in the middle of a song once because I played something other than a root note (I was told "heavy bands don't do harmonies"); and the only time they ever had an in-depth discussion about anything was when deciding what film sample to use on a particular song - which was basically a "which one has more swear words" contest.
They announced I'd joined the band on their website without telling me (or asking me for that matter), then a few hours later posted a statement saying that I'd quit - neither of which I found out about until a few weeks later. It was a very strange experience from start to finish