Attention United States Citizens

Jan 11, 2007
You all know what time it is tomorrow. It is go vote for Obama time. But Midget Donkey voting is pointless and it doesn’t matter who wins and blah blah blah….

Bullshit it matters a whole lot who wins. Around 50 percent of elibible voters don’t vote, which is how Bush beat Kerry last time. Who is going to tell me that George Bush being president has not impacted the world a whole lot (for the worse).

But Midget Donkey it doesn’t effect anyones life that I know if McCain is elected….

Well it effects a whole lot of peoples lives, and even if you don’t think it effects yours you should still care. McCain wants America to attack Iran! This would result in possibly hundreds of thouasands of people dead. Who wants a repeat of Iraq? You know that war that barely even gets any press now that America is worried it can’t afford HBO and H2’s anymore. I fought a year of the ignorant war, did unspeakable things, and had my guys blown up, shot in the throat, and bleed to death all for nothing (news flash there were no weapons of mass destruction).

But Midget Donkey Obama is sure to win by a large margin so I don’t have to bother myself to vote……

Yes you do, I am finished explaining. Just do it.
How about we approach this from a more positive side and say Go Vote people. I don't care who you vote for. Just vote for who you feel is right. IF you feel Obama is the one then vote for him. If you feel McCain is the one then vote for him.
This thread is not rock the vote. If anyone thinks McCain should be president please move to another country.
I voted for Obama via absentee ballot like a week and a half ago. I didn't want any problems and wanted to make sure my vote got counted.

Heres an idea: Call in sick to work to go vote! It will give you an excuse to not work, and you can just tell your boss you're doing your patriotic duty.

And yea, don't vote for McCain.
This thread is not rock the vote. If anyone thinks McCain should be president please move to another country.

well ok let me get to packing then. I am for voting for whoever you please. I dont hate on anyone for voting for Obama. Why should people hate on me for my views. That defeats the purpose of being able to speak your mind on topics and such.
Both of them suck so fucking bad. You either get Socialist or a fucking napolian syndrom nutbag.

Socialism or nutbag, your choice.

BTW: I am voting anyway, got to be able to bitch without being a worthless bitch ya har me?

Thats pretty much how I feel. You hit the nail on the head.
I agree with Bloodjinn that the most important thing is to vote even if it's not how I voted.

That said, I find the notion that Obama is a socialist preposterous. Anyone who thinks that a graduated tax system is socialism must then accept that both candidates are socialist. Anyone that thinks that giving tax refunds to people who are exempt from income taxes is socialism must then accept that George Bush is a socialist.
From the Tax Foundation:
In 1997, Congress enacted a new $500 per-child tax credit and expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-income workers. The 2003 [Bush] tax cuts increased the value of the child credit to $1,000. These two tax credits – especially the child credit – have had a powerful effect on reducing, and many cases eliminating, the income tax liability for millions of Americans. These two credits are unique in that a taxpayer can receive the full value of the credit even if they have no tax liability.
In other words, Clinton started, Bush expanded it, and Obama would like to expand it further. But he would have to pass it first.

We are so much farther from socialism than any other modern western nation which is illustrated by the total abuse of the term during this election. Also, it would take years upon years to move legislation in any direction (including socialism). On the other hand the President can bomb anyone at any time for any reason and be well within his power as Commander in Chief of the US armed forces.
Heres an idea: Call in sick to work to go vote! It will give you an excuse to not work, and you can just tell your boss you're doing your patriotic duty.

why call in sick? just tell them that you're gonna leave to go vote o_O
I'm just glad someone like Sarah Palin exists so I can so decisively make up my mind to never support anything she's in any way related to...sent in my absentee ballot vote for Obama a couple of days ago!
thank you Egan...i say to all the people call Obama a should be the first to send back that stimulus check you got earlier this year if you got one.
I also want to point out to people that the fucking ECONOMIST endorsed Obama. If anyone isn't familiar that is a magazine (editorially) dedicated to the promotion of free trade and globalization. Pretty much the antithesis of socialist doctrine.

Plus there are countless prominent conservative politicians and colomnists endorsing Obama as well: Christopher Buckley, Colin Powell, Wiliam Ruckelshaus, Douglas W. Kmiec, Susan Eisenhower, etc. etc.

There is an obscene ammount of misinformation about both candidates going around and the truth for both is far closer to the center than either side would have you believe.
What is sad to me is that clearly the bullshit has worked on some folks and completely turned them off the process and made them think these guys are both super extreme. It just isn't so unless you define truth by the words of Rush Limbaugh or Keith Oberman. I think the fact that high profile folks on both sides have crossed party lines really illustrates that point.

On the other hand Sarah Palin does seem pretty extreme and pretty unqualified to be next in line behind a 72 year old man who's had cancer 4 times.
Its laughable that Obama "sucks", yet no one can actually pinpoint a direct reason as to WHY he sucks, or what sucks ABOUT him.

More mindless fingerpointing without any actual knowledge.

Its the same thinking that the angry mob has about "killing arabs" and shit..

The terrorists were muslims. The terrorists were dark skinned, therefore:

All dark skinned muslims must be terrorists.

Etc etc etc. Its bullshit.
why call in sick? just tell them that you're gonna leave to go vote o_O

Yea, but from what I hear, an employer is only required to give you two hours. With the lines being all crazy and the waits being so long, I'd just go vote, then go drink some beer. The neext day you could tell your boss you were there till 730pm and barely got your vote in before the polls closed.
Its laughable that Obama "sucks", yet no one can actually pinpoint a direct reason as to WHY he sucks, or what sucks ABOUT him.

More mindless fingerpointing without any actual knowledge.

Its the same thinking that the angry mob has about "killing arabs" and shit..

The terrorists were muslims. The terrorists were dark skinned, therefore:

All dark skinned muslims must be terrorists.

Etc etc etc. Its bullshit.

have you seen the website they have for this? its stupid! they think that if they vote him in, hes going to bring the taliban into America and stuff. Guess thats yanks though..taking things to the extreme. hahaha
I just hope that people vote, because all hell will break loose if the "wrong" person wins.
At least if you vote, you have a right to complain.

Voter apathy [sic?] is what got the Naziis into the second round of the French elections a couple years ago.