ATTN: Bambi


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
I'm headin in to Dublin in time for the game if you fancy goin knacker drinkin up in Donnycarney or so. Maybe even to a pub if I can sneak on the train without paying. Give us a ring. jah!

Bambi said:
yer mobile was switched off you daft get, you should stay off that buckie from now on :(
Ah I fell asleep after the game, only had a few gargles an all. Getting too old for all this heavy metal behaviour. I should move to mainland europe and drink 2 beers and smile :)
fun fun fun
well, let that be a lesson on the dangers of domestic bliss :lol:

i only had two of them guinness exports and it knocked me out, they're like anasthetic on me :(
Bambi said:
well, let that be a lesson on the dangers of domestic bliss :lol:

i only had two of them guinness exports and it knocked me out, they're like anasthetic on me :(
:lol: I know, Ive gone from a month of strawberry nesquick straight into a night of cheap cider and Buckfast. Was meant to go and see a studio in Dublin 2 an all. Knackered old bastard I am :(
This thread is giving me images of someone with thick stubble, missing teeth, ripped and filthy clothes with like overcoat, a wiskey bottle in a brown papar bag, with this strangelight/bambi language/speech patten babbling away drunkly too close with really fuming alcohol bad breath.