ATTN: Bambi

trona said:
This thread is giving me images of someone with thick stubble, missing teeth, ripped and filthy clothes with like overcoat, a wiskey bottle in a brown papar bag, with this strangelight/bambi language/speech patten babbling away drunkly too close with really fuming alcohol bad breath.
overcoat? :lol:
trona said:
This thread is giving me images of someone with thick stubble, missing teeth, ripped and filthy clothes with like overcoat, a wiskey bottle in a brown papar bag, with this strangelight/bambi language/speech patten babbling away drunkly too close with really fuming alcohol bad breath.
you mean like this?? :lol:

i find it totally disgusting. this film is just unnecessary. at least the bits i actually saw of it before i switched it off. i gont nothing against violence in movies in geneal, but gee, all that raping and stuff is simply bleh.
well if you dont watch the whole movie or read the novel itll seem to you like unecessary and disgusting. Same thing came up with irreversible too. Everybody said that the rape scene included too much violence. What were they supposed to do? Make rape seem smthing light and sexy? I think art should reflect the life as it is. Disgusting or not.
well still i don't want to see such things in movies, it's bad enough to just imagine it. even if such scenes are part of life as well, i don't want to get in touch with it. i don't need such drastic forms of "art" in order to realize what is going on in the real world. i think it's just sick.
Father Strangelight, I have a need to confess right now.
I'm writting this from personal experience, so if anyone has the desire to reply in a negative way, i want you to know straight off that it will hurt my feelings. so please dont.

I remember the first time i saw my fathers cock, it was when i was 3 years old and he was ejaculating into my face. from then on i have had an intense worship of his genital, of his rod of majesty, of his god-head.

Mostly, before i reached puberty, my fathers cock would tuck me in at night and read stories to me when i couldnt go to sleep. i remember he would always be dressed in a blue tuxedo when he did this. he would always make sure that i said my prays properly, holding on to the balls with my right hand, running my left up and down the shaft as i whispered beatitudes into the eye. when i made a mistake, he would always punish me with a slap on the cheek.
daily i performed the rituals that made up my position as First Level CockAcolyte. In addition to the prays mentioned above, these consisted of drinking deeply from the spurting god-head as a sign of homage.
every friday night my father would come into my room (i waited for him with anticipation) and allow me to milk him, collecting the divine fluid with a silver cup. each month i would collect the previous weeks offerings and be allowed to bath in them. during these times i rubbed the semen all over my young pre-pubecent body as my mother did before me.

my mother had died you see, she had tried to start a revolution in my fathers house, she had rebeled against her god-head. i will never understand why, but she lashed out at my fathers cock one night during her prays, and so my father had to tie her down and try to bring her back into the fold by repeated blessings from his cock. after 2 weeks my mother still refused to allow his god-head into her mouth, and so my father, my god, had to destroy her.

in some ways i thank my mother, because now i am the only one capable of honoring my father in the proper ways.

of course this all changed when i reached puberty, when i realised i was living a lie, worshiping a false god-head. my father had manipulated me into believing that his cock was the source of all creation, that his cock was the cheif manifestation of his divine power.

but the revolution came and his "divine" rod of beauty was overthrown, when i realized that i had my own god-head inside me. and that this god-within-me was forever more powerful that my fathers ageing genital.

i will tell the story of my self-discovery next time, and how i enslaved the false god-head into worship and servitude of my own divinity:

~~~~~ MY C L I T ~~~~~
VultureCulture said:
well still i don't want to see such things in movies, it's bad enough to just imagine it. even if such scenes are part of life as well, i don't want to get in touch with it. i don't need such drastic forms of "art" in order to realize what is going on in the real world. i think it's just sick.

Well i believe thats one of the functions of art. and the violence in clcockwork orange has been made lighter by the music and other theatrical stuff anyway.(Still trying to ignores godly cocks and pervert fathers)