ATTN: Bambi

Oh man! Nomana, you nasty piece of....................whatever! can't control me, don't even bother trying! Go! away! I'm! not! home! now! and! I'm! not! coming! home! tonight! ha! ha!
Well, it may be from a book someone wrote and would like to get published :D A la Vagina Monologues.

And I bet it was practical too, it's not by accident it was posted in this thread and not in the porn one, for example.
no of course you are not alone. i just don't know how to take and what to say about it. if it's a joke, it's just totally disgusting, if it isn't, it's just the same. i don't quite know what to think about it so i keep my mouth shut.
hmm the lynch comparison is interesting dhatura, but i wouldnt say the two are very much alike. i cant believe we are discussing this lol

anyways, im really curious what the hell that shit was about...

ps: there's always something behind every detail in lynch's movies...something about human nature, mostly.
Yeah, there's also something inherently human about cock-suck-cunt-clit-shit too :D

What I basically think though is that I can have sex with the one I love, truly love, and I'm just not interested in any other stuff related to sex. I haven't even read the piece in the other thread. It's all like fuck for fucks sake, boring, doesn't even make you go hmmmm.