genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
so last night i was channel surfing and i saw a puppet breakdancing. i think to my self "well this outa be good". i was wrong. it was a music video for lily allen on BFBS. and i guess said puppet was her brother, and she was singing about her brother. can someone please explain to me how this broad is popular? everyday you brits seem more and more weird (except the soccer part, you rule for that)
whats a chav?

ok, i know i shouldnt expect quality from pop music, but she doesnt even sing. which is a trend ive noticed with british "artists". i also saw some brit rapper/singer type guy. he may have been trying to sing, or rap. but i'm fairly sure he was just talking. is it popular to talk with a drum machine in the background? seriously, if thats true, whenever i finally go to england, i'll just bring a drum machine where ever i go, and turn it on whenever i talk to someone. i bet i'd get a record contract that day

PS: mort divine sucks
'The Streets' is just like you say. A guy talking, and loads of people love it. A chav is basically a working class youth, who wears tracksuits, sports caps, wears 'bling', is unemployed and who's sole purpose in the universe, is to get drunk, fight practically anyone they see, and give people a hard time. True scum.
thats my lifes dream. now i have a name for it. thankyou, you are a wise man (i think. are you a chic?)
I just read the wikipedia article on Chavs, and it made me a little sick to my stomach. How can there be an entire subculture that simply does not have any positive attributes? I mean, I know wikipedia isn't the best source of information, but God damn.