Attract-O-Meter 3000


Oh dear?
You are living, breathing (but not near us, if you don't mind) proof that the Ming dynasty is alive and well, contrary to the claims of Chinese history experts. OK, so we'll spell it out for you: you're not really turning us on, but that may just be our personal taste. If only you could boost your score? But wait! There is another chance?


Question 4: "Any unsightly features?" should be multiple choice.
I got 44% - and that's probably either an overvaluation, or the rest of you with similar scores must be quite an ugly bunch of people. :p

I liked how the "student" -option had the quotation-marks - I'm definitely more a "student" than a student, sad as it is.

-Villain (happy with his unattractiveness)

Ah well…
You're no oil painting (more of a child's potato print, really), and nobody will love you for your money (a good thing…). But, as they say, personality goes a long way, and you have bags of that. Probably. Anyway, all is not lost as there are bonus points to be had here.

Bleh... must be my gloominess or my "waiting for mr. right" thing. :D
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:

Just try to imagine the kind of score hammerfall members would get. :)

[size=+1]Your Attract-o-meter


[size=+1]Mostly Harmless![/size]

As the tag suggests, there's nothing desperately toxic about you, you just don't rock most peoples' world. You're probably aware of this, and don't give a monkey's, in which case good on you - at least you're not bland or desperate to (shudder) 'fit in'

Great. 'Mostly harmless'. :bah:
I'm so average :)


Ah well…
You're no oil painting (more of a child's potato print, really), and nobody will love you for your money (a good thing…). But, as they say, personality goes a long way, and you have bags of that. Probably. Anyway, all is not lost as there are bonus points to be had here.
this just goes to tell how much i suck: the money notwithstanding, my score was depressing. :lol:
doesn't work that way, unfortunately, no matter how hard we wish it did... :)