audio file of me playing the hatebreed0r solo


i ħ ∂/∂t |ψ(t)› = Ĥ|ψ(t)›
Nov 18, 2005
i just tried to practise&play that hatebreeder solo. took me 3 days and i'm not read but as my laptop is near me i just recorded it (background is the hatebreeder-cd). just criticise it!


[edit:]btw: it's not 100% like alexi plays it, everytime the same is boring![/edit]
Nick Brookes said:
its ok, get a metronome out

as is said, i'm still practising and ill post the new file when im better :p
thanks for your replies!

Wow not bad!!!
thank you!!

see you @ 6th january @ vienna

it sounds pretty good, I would recommend practicing with a Drum machine, or a metronome. Just keep practicing, it sounds good.
eahuehauehuaheuhauhuhaueh :lol::lol:
better then i can do, but not that good. try an easier solo.. the last amazingly fast part (last 4 secconds) leaves me awstruck each time i hear it
If you actually wanted speed just for speeds sake go for Michael Angelo, Jason Becker, Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, Rusty Cooley, John McLaughlin, Shawn Lane.
I think it's funny that so many players on this forum try to make the jump from playing power chords to playing Alexi Laiho solos. Slow the fuck down and learn how to alternate pick first. Jesus Christ.
BastrdDrmr said:
I think it's funny that so many players on this forum try to make the jump from playing power chords to playing Alexi Laiho solos. Slow the fuck down and learn how to alternate pick first. Jesus Christ.

first and last of all - i didnt switch from power chords to alexis solos.
i practised 1 hour/day, 3 days, so what do ya expect? i know its sloppy and not good. i posted it just for you to hear sth. Jesus Christ.

HomerJ_123 said:
i just tried to practise&play that hatebreeder solo. took me 3 days and i'm not read but as my laptop is near me i just recorded it (background is the hatebreeder-cd). just criticise it!


[edit:]btw: it's not 100% like alexi plays it, everytime the same is boring![/edit]

wow! i thought it was great...way better than know what? you kinda inspired me to play like that. because you are the first person i have heard thats played a Children solo thats not Alexi...ha ha thanks for that! :D