I grabbed four for myself, left my other two posters back in the Brisbane venue. *Not happy*
They played Umbrella at Melbourne and Sydney, almost pissed myself laughing. Sounded alot better than the original.

Sydney went off last night, it was amazing!
Went to bed around 4:30am, but didn't actually sleep until about 6:30am, too busy hearing tour stories about CoB like one of them getting so drunk he spent at least an hour and a half trying to steal one of the wheels from their bus.
Finally met Bodom earlier on today, was pretty fucking stoked. Pictures coming up later on today when I get back home. I was a little bit...daunted? If that's the right word. But they turned out to be amazingly nice guys, I was a bit surprised to find Alexi was very easy to talk to and unlike alot of people, actually looks at you when you're having a conversation. Their crew have been amazing the past few days, absolutely great, great guys. Big thanks to Chiddy for giving me his setlist.
And here I am now. Stuck at the Sydney domestic airport [wishing I was at the international one] at 2:30pm until 5pm when my plane leaves. But there's nothing to do and nobody to hang out with except this computer.
I can't wait until CoB's next Australian tour.