Australia vs the world!

Where do you live

  • Europe

    Votes: 52 43.3%
  • North/South America

    Votes: 40 33.3%
  • Australia

    Votes: 25 20.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 2.5%

  • Total voters
If we could turn Ermin's bitterness about Australia into electricity we would be sorted for a very long time :lol:

But I do agree, sports is shit and most of the people that spend their days obsessing over it are, no matter how inteligent, just impossible to get along with in my opinion.
Maybe if you sit around and whine about it enough, the whole world and music business will change to fit your perspective of what it should be.......or not. :)
Urghh reminds me of high school.
They had this VET Subject at my school specifically for the rugby players? Sorry, but WTF is that?
All the music students and visual art students have to put up with shitty, old decaying equipment, while some fucking rugby subject and the rubgy team get brand new rugby uniforms, balls and shit:erk:
I'd like to think I'm exaggerating, but literally all the guys doing that VET Rugby subject were uncultured fucking cavemen with an IQ of about 90.
It sickens me to see society driving towards this thing of having all these "Sport heroes" being paid millions to run around fields and kick balls around, while talented, honest musicians and AEs (and hell, just people involved in the arts in general) are working their asses off and barely putting food on the table, let alone at least living in comfort.
What happened to bringing the standard of culture and society upwards? Guess that was lost some time ago.
Yes, it's not easy to be a sports star, there is obviously work involved, but the bit where for some reason they are getting paid more than 50 grand a year to do it is totally beyond my comprehension:puke:

sounds to me like you're turning into america...

and FWIW, as much as i think it'd ludicrous that pro athletes get paid as much as they do, i can't blame them - sports here in the US pull in billions and billions of dollars through ticket sales, merchandise, and TV who should get all that money? the owners and league officials who sit around in board rooms and luxury suites, or the players on the field who spend countless hours training and sacrificing their bodies for the pleasure of others?
I saw that picture on another forum I go on regularly (about hunting would you believe). The kangaroo was injured so the policemen killed it humanely.

It only made the news because it was in Melbourne...I bet that shit happens all the time on country roads.
Given that this place is a total black hole for culture & the arts, it might explain why we all seek refuge on international music/engineering forums to actually learn something.

Seriously, we just took some major blows here in Melbourne to live music and the arts. All the state funding goes towards building more stadiums for the moronic sports fanatics that make up 95%+ of the population.

'The lucky country' indeed.


I'm part of the 95% of moronic sports fanatics! Go the Cats.

Doesn't mean I disagree though. The government will chuck money to make money.

Unfortunately our live music culture is slowly being raped.
europe....but some people always get "austria" wrong^^

so you'r from austria hm? Kangoroos n stuff?
me: "nope....Mozart n stuff^^"
Wonder how many more live venues we're going to lose with the alcohol regulations. Now I hear they're wanting to shut down VCA.

Fuck, it seems like Australia is the only country with more fucked up alcohol laws than America. Anyone who has ever been to an American college frat party knows how fucked up (incredibly awesome) the behavior and mindsets of bingedrinking students (slutty college girls) have become as a result of the unreasonably high drinking age.
You guys have it lucky in Melbourne, the amount of venues that close down here in Perth or become gentrified for metrosexuals to hang out in and cut live music makes me quite sad.
Fuck, it seems like Australia is the only country with more fucked up alcohol laws than America. Anyone who has ever been to an American college frat party knows how fucked up (incredibly awesome) the behavior and mindsets of bingedrinking students (slutty college girls) have become as a result of the unreasonably high drinking age.

Heh, the drinking age of 18 here really doesn't stop young slutty things from drinking well before that age. If someone wants alcohol badly enough, they'll do what they have too to get it. I know some girls personally who were legit alcoholics by the age of 15 (as you can guess, they are a bit "slow" when it comes to the mental side of things nowadays)
FWIW I started drinking when I was 16 because I could grow a beard and absent minded shop owners just assumed I was easily about 20 years old and let me buy alcohol:headbang::lol:
Fuck, it seems like Australia is the only country with more fucked up alcohol laws than America. Anyone who has ever been to an American college frat party knows how fucked up (incredibly awesome) the behavior and mindsets of bingedrinking students (slutty college girls) have become as a result of the unreasonably high drinking age.

SLO does have some great college pussy tho, no denying that