Urghh reminds me of high school.
They had this VET Subject at my school specifically for the rugby players? Sorry, but WTF is that?
All the music students and visual art students have to put up with shitty, old decaying equipment, while some fucking rugby subject and the rubgy team get brand new rugby uniforms, balls and shit

I'd like to think I'm exaggerating, but literally all the guys doing that VET Rugby subject were uncultured fucking cavemen with an IQ of about 90.
It sickens me to see society driving towards this thing of having all these "Sport heroes" being paid millions to run around fields and kick balls around, while talented, honest musicians and AEs (and hell, just people involved in the arts in general) are working their asses off and barely putting food on the table, let alone at least living in comfort.
What happened to bringing the standard of culture and society upwards? Guess that was lost some time ago.
Yes, it's not easy to be a sports star, there is obviously work involved, but the bit where for some reason they are getting paid more than 50 grand a year to do it is totally beyond my comprehension
