Can I rely on it or should I always set my own release time? what are you preferences on the mixbus comp?
the SSL comp on the masterbus is a no-brainer! for metal, set attack and release to minimum, and for mellower productions, set release (and perhaps attack aswell) a couple of notches up, like 0.3 or whatever. metal, ratio 4:1 and for mellower shit 2:1, i do not touch any other knobs except threshold and make-up, but that is song-dependant.
Release time settings should generally be dependent on the material being compressed - for some material shorter release times are appropriate (I like short release times on mixes personally) but sometimes a longer release is preferable. Use your ears and use the setting that sounds best with the song you're working with.
Attack times are simple - fast/short attack times yield smoother results with less transients, slow/long attack times yield punchier results with more transients.
Auto-Release works in a program dependent manner. My GSSL is almost always set to this release setting. To me it glues the mix the best way without too much noticeable pumping as you will get when doing high GR on 100ms release.
Andy Wallace go-to settings on the unit are 30 attack, 4:1 ratio, Auto-Rel. Ditto for me.
Andy Wallace go-to settings on the unit are 30 attack, 4:1 ratio, Auto-Rel. Ditto for me.
Release and attack to minimum? That seems like a really hard compression setting for the mixbus. I would use that for parallel compression. I have it usually at 30ms attack and 1s release, only compressing 2db's.
I only use the mixsaturator on guitars. I'm using tube saturator (wave arts) on my master chain though. Pretty funy that the 4:1/30ms/auto-release was my favourite so far. I'm just taking back 1-2 db's and I love how my ssl clone sounds. Waves SSL Comp is a joke in comparison. Crillemannen has the same unit, still liking it? It sounds so much more open and is pumping in a way more pleasant way.