Avan-Garde Metal?

ephel duath is the best example. but you see alot of avant garde influences mixed in with the whole "post BM" thing. bands like age of silence or arcturus.
the only "avant-garde metal" bands that are remotely avant-garde when compared with the entire spectrum of music are sunn o))), boris and orthrelm and even those are fuckin debatable tbh. most of wahts regarded as avant-garde metal isnt very avant-garde at all >_>
'avante-garde metal' is shorthand for 'self-indulgent keyboard faggotry made by guys in pirate costumes'.
the only "avant-garde metal" bands that are remotely avant-garde when compared with the entire spectrum of music are sunn o))), boris and orthrelm and even those are fuckin debatable tbh. most of wahts regarded as avant-garde metal isnt very avant-garde at all >_>

very true. avant garde in metal doesnt stack up to real avant garde. music like penderecki (sp?) would be a great example of real avant garde. but in the scheme of things, you cant deny an avant garde influence in some bands, though they arent completly avant garde.

noise could be considered avant garde i guess.
Avant-garde is a French phrase meaning advance guard or vanguard. When applied to the arts, it has a very literal meaning. It refers to those who push the boundaries of the medium in question. So, that said, it is a bit hard to define what is and isn't avant-garde. I find bands like UneXpect to appear avant-garde on the surface, but if you look at their music closely you see that they have obvious and noticable influences from bands such as Mr Bungle. Perhaps as regards the constraints of the metal scene they can be defined as avant-garde, but is that really necessary? It seems a bit pretentious to me.

I don't call bands like Arcturus avant-garde. In fact, I have a hard time calling any of the post black metal bands "avant-garde." Maybe Solefald due to their extremely conceptual and envelope-shattering music, but even then it could be seen as a bit of a stretch.
Thanks for the definition of what Avant-Garde is. So with that being said if a band refers to themselves as being Avant-Garde are they being egotistacle, or do they have a point. Personally from bands like Sigh and Solefald some of what they do is very interesting and mind-blowing giving me confidence in calling them Avant-Garde, but how far will Avant-Garde go. Will music continue to become more origanal expanding its concepts and theories therefore changing what Avant-Garde means, or will music stay a steady course but a select few will devolop giving Avant-Garde more exposure into mainstream music. In otherwords, what will these bands be considered in the future.
Avant-garde in english would mean before it's time.

Unexpect are a cool avant-garde band but yea they have influences from bands like Believer, Mr. Bungle and Gentle Giant but still they are very original.

Hammers of Misfortune could qualify as an avant-garde band since no one really do that type of music and it sounds just really weird.
I used to be crazy about genre classifications but now I'm pretty laid back about them. I don't see what's progressive about a band like Symphony X, or rock bands like The Flower Kings (regressive, very regressive), but hey, I don't make up the terms!