The World of Avant-Garde Metal

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Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Lately, there has been nothing that has really caught my attention, musically speaking. The only band that has caught my interest lately, has been Suidakra.

I have been playing my death metal discs and my avant-garde CD's a lot lately. While I don't need any more death metal CD's, I am very interested in expanding my avant-garde collection. So, I'm counting on you, my fellow UM members, to help me with recommendations. I already own Solefald, Arcturus, Green Carnation, In the Woods, etc.

Please list some bands and describe them. And someone tell me about And Oceans and Fleurety.
Where did you get your Suidakra by the way - I can't find it anywhere. The End Records don't even list it in a search result.
I'm not entirely sure on the definition of avant-garde metal, but I'm thinking that it's music that pushes, or even steps over, contemporary boundaries. Bands that I've seen associated with said label would include Maudlin of the Well (who got a pretty interesting write up in a recent Metal Maniacs), Sigh, Oxiplegatz, maybe recent Ulver, and Diabolical Masquerade. Although some might see these bands as ahead of their time in terms of originality and composition, it's all relative to the listener, and you may well think it's a bunch of overrated nonsense.
I own Sigh's releases and Ulver. Diabolical Masquerade really didn't impress me a whole lot. I have read good and bad reviews of MotW. As for Oxiplegatz, it sounds interesting, but I just don't know.
Originally posted by maestro_al
Where did you get your Suidakra by the way - I can't find it anywhere. The End Records don't even list it in a search result.

Also, you might want to try I purchased a mint CD of Suidakra- Auld Lang Syne, their hard to find second CD for only $12. The guy who runs it is honest, so don't worry about getting ripped off. You can also trade with him. He has a huge want list and trade/sell list. There is also a trading forum link at the bottom where you can trade with others.

Also, is really good. They currently show that they have Suidakra- Auld Lang Syne in stock if there are any interested parties.
Cheers for that. I just ordered by Eucharist and Suidakra from GEMM.

Awesome. Thanks very much. I had been looking forever for Emprise and Mirrorworlds.

By the way, neither redstream or vvinyl had the CD's.
Suidakra's new CD is on Century Media isn't it? What's the point of a larger label that doesn't get your CD to the public? I thought that is what large labels were for.
I ordered all of Fleurety's albums today for a fair price considering they are fairly difficult to find and the debut is an import. I need a band to challenge me like Opeth did a long time ago, and In the Woods did, and Summoning. I've heard Fleurety can be off the wall oddball music, but I'm up for the challenge.
Necroing this just because I can't find another thread for it in GMD.

I listened to Diablo Swing Orchestra's Butcher's Ballroom today, and that was honestly a terrible album aside from maybe a small handful of okay songs. The whole eclectic jazzy flamenco metal whateverness is a cool concept, but those guys utterly fail at execution. :erk: Hopefully the next album will be an improvement.
I really like Diablo Swing Orchestra. To each his own I guess. I haven't listened to a lot of Avant-Garde Metal but I recently got "Nightwork" by Diabolical Masquerade (not sure if it's considered Avant-Garde) and I'm really enjoying that too.
They've got pretty good vocalists at least. But the metal elements are so goddamn clunky it makes me want to scream. It's like, "look at us, we can play generic chugga-chugga metal with a swing beat and violin accompaniment! we speshal!?"

(not to piss on your parade or anything F&F)
@ Vihiris: I understand if you have a different opinion than me. I personally like their music but I can understand if someone else doesn't like it. I don't really hate much music. There's some I don't like but there isn't much music that can give me the opposite of pleasure.