Avatars :o)

thanks for your warm welcome all =)

Nomad : :) maybe you're just one of these black metal misanthropes ;-) btw, i don't really like animals pictures, but i must admit that the wolf is "nice" lol

Ok, I never had French, and I was never good at foreign languages or using dictionaries either... would you translate what your signature is tryig to tell me? :) Would be much appreciated :)
Originally posted by Phildwarf
Nomad : :) maybe you're just one of these black metal misanthropes ;-) btw, i don't really like animals pictures, but i must admit that the wolf is "nice" lol

Well, not really. I like most people. I just think that babies are nowhere near as cute as people make them out to be... especially newborns.

Of course, all this will prolly change when I have a kid of my own, but I have to find me a woman first... :(
Thanks mouse :)

Astral : i'll try , but my english is worse than my french ;) : " Oh ! There are so many things between the earth and the sky, that only poets have dreamed ! And particulary above the sky, because all the gods are only parabolae and fakings of poets. "(F. Nietzsche)

did you get the point ? lol

Nomad : Thanks for clearing your point i didn't really understood what you meant :confused: i hope you'll find one soon (a woman)
