Avatars :o)

Originally posted by Somber Soul
And I see Lordenlil has yet again another avatar. But as always a tasteful one and graphically exciting! Everchanging devil, you! Wanna break some record? :grin:

haha....yeah, I gave up following all these changes.
It is pretty save to say that if there's a new avi on the board it's Lordenlil's :grin: :p
my avatar is still not here....:( it seems like my french free host server doesn't work on here...could somebody be very very nice and take it on his webspace for me ? :cry: :waah:
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
That's because lots of servers suck, and it ends up showing something about Tripod, or Geocities, etc.

Well, since people had to serve their avatars themselves
they have also changed it... That's what I'm talking about,
I haven't seen any Tripod or Geocities stuff yet, which is
surprising :o)

But I'm getting used to all the changes now, still need
some more time! hehe...
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Well, since people had to serve their avatars themselves
they have also changed it... That's what I'm talking about,
I haven't seen any Tripod or Geocities stuff yet, which is
surprising :o)

But I'm getting used to all the changes now, still need
some more time! hehe...

mine is at tripod!:spin:
Thankys Nomad :hotjump: :grin:

Im sure this already came up but did anyone ever consider doing a Vintersorg forum member page? I know someone made a wall-paper of one but what about a page. Just curious since im not as regular as of late :)

F_V (semiregular)
Vintersorg forum member page? it's nice idea i think... who have space and willingness?
I think Lordenlil should do the job and create a marvellous Vintersorg forum members page. Obviously, he’s got enough time to create a new avatar every 55 minutes. ;) Anyway, I’d think he is predestined for the task. What do you think?
Well, I've had the idea of making one for ages now,
but never seem to have the time to actually do it.

So if anyone ever gets around to doing it I have
serverspace for it at least :o) Maybe I'll do one
myself, though I agree on letting Lordie have a go,
after all he's the master >:o)