Avatars :o)

Yup kind of ;) But THAT really doen't make me creative.I'm so baaad at making pictures of all sorts.Okay I can tanke photos a bit.That's all...I'm more s.o that writes :) Not good too...
There, not the oldest one, but well, yeah. Better quality then the latest anyway...:) Wich BTW just looked good on my computer, I am at my parents right now, and it looked awfull! :lol: So I had to do something about it...:D

And thanks to Gauny...;)

-phyros (I´m blue dadadi dadada dadadi dadaaaaaaaa)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
And for the discussion that's going on here --> I don't
think people need to have a pic of themselves in their
avi, what for? That's almost boring... I like the stuff
that people make themselves! :o)

*looks at his own avatar* :cry:
Originally posted by Shadowtear
What do you think...how much say a avatar about the person?

I choose a avatar that "fit" to me....but I think there are people who like to form a "false" impression of themselves...or!?
i change my avatars on the moods, as you can see now i'm in a really shitty mood!!:lol:
Originally posted by Phyros
And thanks to Gauny...;)

-phyros (I´m blue dadadi dadada dadadi dadaaaaaaaa)

:lol: ......and you're welcome, chef ;)

Morg's singing
when I'm feeling blue... all I got to do... is take a look at you...
Would you tell us when you've finished so that we can take the fingers out of our ears? :p (sorry, this time I couldn't resist :grin: )
Originally posted by Somber Soul
*looks at his own avatar* :cry:

Lol! I can't believe this! heeeeeheheheheeh! >:o)))

C'mon! If everyone use a picture of themselves it
would be deadboring, that's what I meant. Not that
avis with pics of the person posting is ugly! I have a
picture of me damnit!

I'm just saying that I like avi's that have been worked
on, or that means something... Like Somber's which is
edited and all that. But splashing a picture of me in my
avi would be a tad boring, if we all did it...!

Damnit! I don't have to explain myself! BHAH! I just
don't like people crying! :o)
Originally posted by YMIR

shadowtear@ it is a good idea I think when the forum people would explain their avatar, always fun to read
your avatar looks a bit depressive to me, so you are depressive I am afraid????... hmm hope your avatar stands for melancholy or something..

Mmh...I`m not more depressive then other people too ;)

Mmh...I choose it...yes..because of the melancholy and because I think it fits on my name (because of the "tear" in it)
And I think it`s no shame to cry.......;)

And I like it :)!

*lol* ;)
@Shadowtear: It disturbes me that it says
~Soulburner~ underneath your nick! >:o)
Keep thinking about Souldburner, our
beloved pos(t)er >:o) hehe... What's the
connection here?!?? >:o)

I'm tempted to change avi's more often...
I have loads of new ones lined up, ready to
be shown off... but BLAH! >:oP
Originally posted by Blackspirit
@Shadowtear: It disturbes me that it says
~Soulburner~ underneath your nick! >:o)
Keep thinking about Souldburner, our
beloved pos(t)er >:o) hehe... What's the
connection here?!?? >:o)

*lol* I don`t know something about the pos(t)er Soulburner here...*lol* is he such a..mmh..posing guy??? *lol*

I put it there because...Soulburner is the name of a succubi...and it`s my name in another Organisation ...*lol*.

But to avoid any misunderstanding..I´ll change it... (only for you Blackspirit ;) ;) ;) ) :grin:
Originally posted by Shadowtear
*lol* I don`t know something about the pos(t)er Soulburner here...*lol* is he such a..mmh..posing guy??? *lol*

I put it there because...Soulburner is the name of a succubi...and it`s my name in another Organisation ...*lol*.

But to avoid any misunderstanding..I´ll change it... (only for you Blackspirit ;) ;) ;) ) :grin:

Muahahaaah! >:o)

There was no need to change it though! hehe... :o)

Soulburner's not a poser, he just had "poser"
underneath his nick for a while... Around the time
he used a Britney Spears avi as well, if I'm not
completly lost... Oh well.... :o)
I think it`s really time for me to post here.. my avatar is a Dorian Cleavenger pic. I collect fantasy pic among others and I like his works very much. When I had to choose an avi I browsed this dark art pics.. and I found this fitting... though I`m a friendly person :lol: