Avatars :o)

Yup you should!




Btw. Avril is this "Complicated" stuff isn't it *lol*?
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Karldin: I love your new one! it's beautyful! Where is it from?

Ehh, it's actually three pictures I put together while at school one
day (obviously had nothing better to do:p) It's a moon picture, an
aurora pic and a pic of some river on a black background. All are
from Finland.
Speaking of avatars...how the HELL do i get one? I don't want to point to one on the net, but one that i made myself. ANyone got any ideas--i LOVE these bloody things!

p.s.: BLACKSPIRIT, i know i'm new here, but are you a male or female? all you Scandinavians are so beautiful, it's hard to tell sometimes.

p.p.s.: for all of you Swedes and Norwegians--my name is garth, but should i have an A-ring (you know: that little circle above the a) instead of just an "a" in my name or...? i'm really quite dying to know.