Awesome 80s jams

Not exactly the song of, "training hard to win that sports competition to win the hot chick with the mullet only slightly larger than mine", but I love this song as it is more of a, "Post-celebratory riding into the sunset in my hot pink convertible after winning the sports competition to win the chick with the mullet only slightly larger than mine" kinda thing.

A free pizza and a bottle of TGRI to whoever can guess my movie reference :D
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Not exactly the song of, "training hard to win that sports competition to win the hot chick with the mullet only slightly larger than mine", but I love this song as it is more of a, "Post-celebratory riding into the sunset in my hot pink convertible after winning the sports competition to win the chick with the mullet only slightly larger than mine" kinda thing.

A free pizza and a bottle of TGRI to whoever can guess my movie reference :D

If the convertible didn't have to be pink, I would guess Mr. Show...

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Ya know those 80's jams that just make you wanna get shit done or like get really good at a sport really quickly or train for a competition that some douchebag challenged you to, and you HAVE to beat him to get the girl.

That sort of thing.

Post em

1986 pumping bassline biZness:

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I love that line! :lol:
Plus, I love the wankfest that follows it! That shit is just so satisfying. That is actually a pretty kick ass band.

And I was a little loose with the phrasing there, but I still think "baddest ass" sounds more badass. I sounds badder ass.

Actually never heard that before...but damn...that WAS very satisfying. :)