Awkward Situation thread


Mar 2, 2007
What awkward situations that you have been in do you recall?

I remember a time seeing an outdoor gig with some friends last summer and we were turning a corner and I was talking kinda loud and making a joke with a reference to Zelda. I was in the middle of the joke when a hot chick walked by and looked at me weird, walking by was awkward.

I'll probably think of some more later.
Ha, I'll bite on this thread.

My lady's mom does not tend to knock on the front door. So, as expected, she walked in on me jerking off. Not much of a story, but awkward as hell.
I was going floating on the river with a bunch of friends as usual, and I made some derogatory comment involving fat people, forgetting that my friend's morbidly obese wife and mother in law had tagged along this time.

He didn't care but I know they were not happy.
Recently I was talking with a group of people and somehow Chinese girls came up and I briefly talked about how when I was in Hong Kong girls who were around 16 looked like they were 10, forgetting one of the people in the group was female and Chinese. Making it more awkward, I added a quiet "sorry."
Not really "awkward" as much as pathetic.

I walked into a gun store in search of 7.62x54r locally and the moron behind the counter was hell-bent on believing that the 'r' meant Russian. It stands for 'rimmed,' because the cartridge is.. rimmed.

If it isn't .223, .30-06, .22, .308 or .270 - these assholes around here don't know anything about it.

So I ordered online instead against my better judgment.. 300 rounds for $180, can't really beat that.
Itt meh makes it to my ignore list.

Awkward...well, I'm that guy who finishes sentences with "retard" and "drunk" and "pussy" loudly just as everyone stops talking, so there's that. Happens to me a lot. I'm actually beginning to consciously place those words in the middles of sentences just to avoid that.
One time I was going through a McDonalds drive-through. The lady talking had some kind of accent and was slow with understanding my order. After I said it for the third time, I proceeded to yell it in Spanish. I turned the corner and saw that she was Pakistani.
I remember sitting on the bus next to a retarded kid, and his mom sitting in the seat behind. First he doesn't do much but eventually he starts humming with a really funny retard voice on the theme-song from this kids show called Dr Snuggles, and I start giggling more and more, thinking "no no no please!" until I can't help but cover my face and laugh out loud. The kid didn't seem to notice but I know that his mom looked at me until they got of the bus.
Apparently when I was a child, we went to the zoo, I threw a big heap of pine straw on a baby in a stroller. I imagine that was pretty awkward for my parents at the time.
I remember sitting on the bus next to a retarded kid, and his mom sitting in the seat behind. First he doesn't do much but eventually he starts humming with a really funny retard voice on the theme-song from this kids show called Dr Snuggles, and I start giggling more and more, thinking "no no no please!" until I can't help but cover my face and laugh out loud. The kid didn't seem to notice but I know that his mom looked at me until they got of the bus.

Retards ftfw!
My mother calling me again and again until I'm forced to answer my cellphone... when my girlfriend is naked on top of me. -_____-
I went to a dinner for a charity I was working for, where I got introduced to a good looking girl. She said "oh we know each other already" and I kind of blankly nodded my head, having not the faintest idea of us having met before. Anyhow, I predictably set about hitting on her. Towards the end of the night, she says to me "so how's Ellie doing?". Ellie being my recently dumped ex-girlfriend to whom I had been a bit of a bastard. This other chick was her best friend but had been overseas most of the time so I had only met her once.
^ lol, that sucks man.

Im sure I have many, but one that I feel really bad about, because she was so nice to us, goes as follows:

we were in tokyo, and one night after a show of ours we went with the Promoter ( female ) to a british bar. anyways, I gotta drunk as fuck. Then she told us about her boyfriend who lives in Australia. blah blah, conversation goes on. Then soehow we get back on to the topic of Australians and I start blurting out horrible things about them, the whole tie forgetting that her fiancee is Australian.
I was biking in town, when i saw this fit as fuck girl. I kept staring at her awesome ass until i biked straight into a lamppost. Everybody in the street saw me do this but the worst part is that she came over to help me up.
Apparently when I was a child, we went to the zoo, I threw a big heap of pine straw on a baby in a stroller. I imagine that was pretty awkward for my parents at the time.

When I was a toddler my parents took me out to a restaurant. An older man came to the table to comment on how cute I was. I punched him square in the balls as hard as I could and knocked the wind out of him.
Erm. Is it bad that there's been so many, I can't actually place any of them specifically?

The main ones are the usual ones, like seeing someone you vaguely know at the end of the corridor and having to avoid gazes so you're not staring at each other for the next 5 mins without talking.
In middle school there was a kid who always missed classes because he had to go to special education tutoring sessions and what not. One day a substitute was taking attendance and asked where this kid was. I wasn't really paying attention and called out "Sometimes he goes to these special dumb classes." My friend sitting next to me leaned over and said "He's sitting behind you."