Bad News for ICED EARTH fans...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
vocalist Matthew Barlow has decided to leave the band to obtain his
Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and focus on a career
in law enforcement administration

I think they are VERY overrated to begin with... that guys vocals sound like fucking Paul Stanley to me...

So, not only have they lost their lead guitarist before the recording of the new album, now their vocalist splits too...
Papa Josh said:
I think they are VERY overrated to begin with... that guys vocals sound like fucking Paul Stanley to me...

Yes he does, but a better version of the Kiss freak. Man, if you ever saw Matt Barlow live...whoa, he would rip through those numbers. I did not think he would be able to reproduce a song like "Wolf" in a live environment, and he actually outdid himself.

This is definitely a loss to Iced Earth in my opinion.

Anyone who likes post-Halford Judas Priest should be more concerned about the fact that Ripper Owens is probably about to land the gig at Iced Earth now.....muwahahahaha.
JayKeeley said:
Yes he does, but a better version of the Kiss freak. Man, if you ever saw Matt Barlow live...whoa, he would rip through those numbers. I did not think he would be able to reproduce a song like "Wolf" in a live environment, and he actually outdid himself.

This is definitely a loss to Iced Earth in my opinion.

Anyone who likes post-Halford Judas Priest should be more concerned about the fact that Ripper Owens is probably about to land the gig at Iced Earth now.....muwahahahaha.

I have seen them live, and to be honest, Destiny's End and Nevermore slayed them live that night..


They would sound fucking killer with the Ripper though!

Priest? Not concerned unless they are promising Jugulator part 2!!!
a big loss. he was one of my favourite vocalists... he might not be "special", but damn he's powerful. well, i doubt that jon will find an adequate replacement, but for now my biggest concern is that the new album might be a big piece of patriotic shit. please don't, jon.
Papa Josh said:
They would sound fucking killer with the Ripper though!

I agree - and good for Ripper. That guy deserves some real attention. Anyone heard him and Malmsteen together doing Mr Crowley on the Ozzy tribute?!! Malmsteen wanks, but Ripper keeps it together.
Shakermaker said:
a big loss. he was one of my favourite vocalists... he might not be "special", but damn he's powerful. well, i doubt that jon will find an adequate replacement, but for now my biggest concern is that the new album might be a big piece of patriotic shit. please don't, jon.

Jon has never hidden his love and respect for his American heritage and past, so why would a patriotic album bother you so much? 9-11 affected Jon (and so many others) in different ways, and maybe this is his way of releasing those thoughts and feelings.

Oh, and Malmsteen wanks.
I think getting a new singer might be the best thing at the end of the day. Iced Earth sounded so mixed up on Horror Show - either displaying brilliance, or complete boredom.

If Jon now concentrates on Demons and Wizards for a while, then I'll be happy.
To my ear, Barlow is the best vocalist in Metal, hands down. To think that Iced Earth will improve with Ripoff Owens in it, borders on dimentia.

Yngwie's a one trick pony. It was an amazing trick when he first started doing it, but now I've heard it a 1,000 times. What's more, dozens of other guys can now do the trick as well, and some do it better.

Well, Jon better sort something out because he's headlining Wacken in about 4 weeks.

Can we see a vote as to who we think should replace Matt Barlow for the Iced Earth gig at Wacken (hypothetically)?

I'll go with Hansi Kursch. Seriously - I think it would be INCREDIBLE. Imagine him doing Melancholy, My Own Savior, Angels! It'll be like Demons and Wizards, but with good songs! :D
JayKeeley said:
It'll be like Demons and Wizards, but with good songs! :D


Give me Demons and Wizards over Iced Earth any day. Not even close.
General Zod said:
This from someone who listens to Yngwie?


Iguess that was supposed to be funny... har, har, har...

You can't even question the talent of Yngwie, someone who is obsessed with the guitar to the point of insanity.... and walks circles around many... I can't understand the logic of people who have something against an artist because they've carved their niche and choose to perfect it instead of changing everything dozens of times... I like knowing that, if I liked someone's 1st album and their 8th sounds like it, that it stands to figure I may like this one as well.

Hey, even I admit Malmsteen has some bad songs, but I don't even think of Barlow as one of the Top 10 metal singers, much less "the best, hands down."

ICED EARTH would slay with Owens, if for no other reason than the fact that he sounds like Rob Halford and not Paul fucking Stanley!
I'm not questioning Yngwie's talent; that would be silly. However, I'm surprised anyone still listens to his revolving door band. The songs are weak, the lyrics terrible, and his guitar work repetitive. I saw him live a few times back in the day, and he blew me away. I saw him a year or two ago, and he was a shell of his former self. We actually left half way through the show.

With all that talent he has, I just wish he'd do something more. Why continue to do something he has done to death?

As for Barlow... to each his own.

So Tim "Ripper" Owens it is then, surprise surprise.

Apparently there are samples available on the net - anyone heard them yet? You need Real Audio...

I've heard mixed opinions, from people claiming that "it's over" for IE, and others saying they finally like IE now.
General Zod said:
To my ear, Barlow is the best vocalist in Metal, hands down.

I still say, Barlow sings like he's only just learnt English. I haven't heard any samples yet, but knowing Ripper's voice I have a hunch that I'll like Iced Earth a whole lot more with him in it.