Rediscovering ICED EARTH

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I have to admit, The Glorious Burden is so fucking kick ass that I have pulled out all of my ICED EARTH cds and rediscovered the songs I've loved, and also gotten into songs that didn't really grab me before.

That just goes to show how a good album can steer you.

Even if Barlow does sound like Paul Stanley at times.

And I love Stanley.
I have to take Iced Earth in doses though. I can't listen to a bunch of IE albums together because after a while, they do begin to sound all alike. Schaffer is talented, but he's stuck in a rut and will never really get too diverse. That's why I liked Demons and Wizards so much, and am looking forward to the follow up.

Having said that, from what I've heard of it, The Glorious Burden could be his best album yet.
JayKeeley said:
I have to take Iced Earth in doses though. I can't listen to a bunch of IE albums together because after a while, they do begin to sound all alike. Schaffer is talented, but he's stuck in a rut and will never really get too diverse. That's why I liked Demons and Wizards so much, and am looking forward to the follow up.

Having said that, from what I've heard of it, The Glorious Burden could be his best album yet.
I feel the same way on all points here, except the doses of IE I can take are probably less.
Papa Josh said:
When a band has a "sound" I don't look at it as stuck in a rut, I look at it as staying true to their vision and not compromising. I mean, hell, IRON MAIDEN has been plagiariising themselves for years....
Yes, but at least there is some variation, or certainly enough for me to listen to two different Maiden albums in a row. With all honesty, I find it hard to get through a single IE album in one sitting. I don't know why exactly - it's not that I don't like it, but all the songs begin to blur together after a while.

Now put them on stage and you've got a force to be reckoned with. It's music meant to be played live for sure.
Papa Josh said:
I have to admit, The Glorious Burden is so fucking kick ass that I have pulled out all of my ICED EARTH cds and rediscovered the songs I've loved, and also gotten into songs that didn't really grab me before.

That just goes to show how a good album can steer you.

Even if Barlow does sound like Paul Stanley at times.

And I love Stanley.
LOL, I'm glad you see things my way. ;)
Hmm. I guess you don't want all my Shadow's Fall stickers for trade for those bootlegs then Mark? :D

The Glorious Burden intrigues me much, but I still have yet to hear Iced Earth.
markgugs said:
Oh, and btw, you have a very mediocre band in your avatar. Just thought you should know that.
3 vocalists, superb riffing and soloing, thight rhythms playing a blend of thrash, melodic metal and hardcore? yeah, everyone else is doing that!

plus, they don't have 8 or so albums with the same songs on them (with different titles). guess that makes them suck!:hotjump:
iced earth is best for kids learning how to play guitar after they can play metallica riffs, but before they start learning theory and actually getting really good.
You've got to hand it to Schaffer - he is a demon on rhythm guitar. Or is he a wizard? I can never quite remember...anyway, he's basically Hetfield on speed.
so i traded a CD for an original of Iced Earth's Night of the Stormrider. is it good?

what's their best?