badass show last night...thanks nevermore

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Holy shit nevermore destroyed last night, as usual. everyone was in top form...wd sounded great, jeff nailed everything perfectly, chris was great and van killed it, like always. i even got to sing a verse in acid words with was killer! met up with will bozarth and pyrus and anvilsnake, eric and will's group! see guys, im not such an asshole in person am i?? haha

thanks for the effort nevermore - fuckin' a!
dude i was stage left right in front of jeff. i had two fat women behind me most of the night protecting me from the pit with their blubber wall...

:lol: Will and I had some crazy, multi-colored hair fat chick breathing down our necks. Then, she threw some stupid spike braclet on stage during Two Headed Chang, some dude behind me saw it, took it, put it on and was constantly hitting me in the head with it when he was giving Warrel the horns.

Not to mention that Will and I had a glorious time pushing people away that came from the pit.
Yeah, there were a lot of shitty people at this show. Seattle has weird people.
haha dude i looked over there 1000 times and saw Will PISSED trying to deal with that shit. it was fucked. at 1 point i had some drugged out freakshow behind me leaning against my back who fell asleep....fuckin weird.

and why the fuck were there so many hot girls there? not weird goth chicks either....but really normal looking pretty girls! it was awesome

np - bal sagoth - 04 - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule.mp3