Band Recommendations...

both those bands are beyond ridiculous. most metal is cheesey, but can be taken with a grain of salt. the only thing i can take bodom and wintersun with is a bottle of jager, in hopes that ill passout, or better yet, die of alcohol poisoning asap.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yeesh, and here i was thinking we were supposed to be recommending good bands. wintersun???

ok well, i recommend you check out rhapsody. and therion. and children of bodom, and sonata arctica and six feet under. those are all really good bands that of COURSE wouldnt discourage you from wanting to find anymore new metal bands after a long hiatus. :rolleyes:

maybe you should use yoru powers for good instead of evil? :erk:
NineFeetUnderground said:
both those bands are beyond ridiculous. most metal is cheesey, but can be taken with a grain of salt. the only thing i can take bodom and wintersun with is a bottle of jager, in hopes that ill passout, or better yet, die of alcohol poisoning asap.

The thing is (especially with Bodom) they don't take themselves seriously at all either...
Try some Diabolical Masquerade if you want some insane(ly awesome) arrangements by Blakkheim.

Also, At the Gates if you like melodic/thrash of sweden in the early years. Highly recommended.
NineFeetUnderground said:
there seems to be rumors going around that im a troll. and slander tons of bands without any remorse or even reason behind it. that i express my opinion as fact, and anyone who doesnt agree with it, is an idiot and probably suffers from poor taste....i just want to set the record straight...

all that is completely true. except for the slandering without reason...i only slander bands who are terrible. if you disagree, then sign up for paypal. ill send you a some taste.

One day you'll realize that different people like different things. You realize there's tons of people who would shit all over the bands you like and give the same reasons you give? ("It's just how it is") But of course that doesn't matter cause you're taste is the final answer. You don't have to like any bands you don't like, but if someone sees something in them that you see in the bands you like then appreciate that. Nothing wrong with stating your opinion and giving reccomendations, but don't be a fucking prick about it, it gets you nowhere.
Guys, all NFU does here is posts his own opinion and in the process amuses himself by trying to piss off as many people as possible.

Needless to say, it always works and it's pretty funny most of the time. Just chill out, NFU is NFU. He's got some good recommendations for those who've strayed from the path.
Scourge of Malice said:
One day you'll realize that different people like different things. You realize there's tons of people who would shit all over the bands you like and give the same reasons you give? ("It's just how it is") But of course that doesn't matter cause you're taste is the final answer. You don't have to like any bands you don't like, but if someone sees something in them that you see in the bands you like then appreciate that. Nothing wrong with stating your opinion and giving reccomendations, but don't be a fucking prick about it, it gets you nowhere.

and i suppose youre going to be the visionary who helps me down this path of submission and faggotry? youre barking up the wrong tree pal, although its flattering youve become the whining poster boy for the anti-NFU campaign...but its really going to do nothing for you, just fyi.
Heckelgruber said:
Just checked out "Sol Niger Within", the Fredrik side project. This is a seriously good record (in my genuflecting opinion) - not sure it's better than Meshuggah overall but it could be a grower. Mad as fuck and could take some digesting. Absolutely essential for Meshuggah fans though.

Liking a lot of the recommendations though - keep 'em coming (if you feel like it).

I'm glad you like it. Yes, it is a grower. As far as I'm concerned, a lot of the ideas are more 'out there' than Meshuggah. By trying to combine all this crazy shit into the one project I think Fredrik succeeded in taking the monotony out of the Meshuggah sound.
Heckelgruber said:
Dream Theater

If you like DT you should check out Madmen And Sinners with James LaBrie on vocals. It's quite typical progmetal but it sounds rather interesting because of use of the fretless guitars.

Also James LaBrie's "Elements Of Persuasion' is a good album - better than last three DT albums IMHO. Though I'm not really into DreamTheather-ish things any more...
NineFeetUnderground said:
both those bands are beyond ridiculous. most metal is cheesey, but can be taken with a grain of salt. the only thing i can take bodom and wintersun with is a bottle of jager, in hopes that ill passout, or better yet, die of alcohol poisoning asap.

It's making playful fun of the fact that most metal is pretty much ridiculous.
Powers said:
It's making playful fun of the fact that most metal is pretty much ridiculous.

I agree, although I think it's worse than that - I think most metal suffers fatally from some or all of the problems of being cheesy, tasteless, indistinguishable from "peers", flat-out boring, commercially motivated and taking itself much too seriously. All power to people making this music as long as they're having fun but you wouldn't want to listen to it.

That may sound a bit harsh and unjustified having not listened to much metal for a long time up until mid-2005 but I think it was just as true when I went off metal as it is now. One of the great things about getting into Opeth was finding a band that doesn't really suffer from any of these things.

Having said all this negative stuff, there are a lot of bands/records that are hugely worthwhile, and it's always a bit strange to me why they can be so hard to find. So thanks for all these ideas, there is a lot to follow up so far. :)
Dreadful said:
six degrees of inner turbulence is WAY, WAY better than that labrie release. My opinion, of course :)

Six Degrees is a superb album, although I will check out some of The Cheese's solo stuff too. My favourite DT record is SFAM though, I think it's a piece of sheer brilliance from beginning to end (if you can handle slight cheese). At first I hated LaBrie's vocals and thought he sounded very effete and dull but he actually sings beautifully and conveys a lot of feeling very effectively.
I've never liked Six Degrees... but maybe it's because I heard it when I already stopped being really interested in DT music.
Scourge of Malice said:
One day you'll realize that different people like different things. You realize there's tons of people who would shit all over the bands you like and give the same reasons you give? ("It's just how it is") But of course that doesn't matter cause you're taste is the final answer. You don't have to like any bands you don't like, but if someone sees something in them that you see in the bands you like then appreciate that. Nothing wrong with stating your opinion and giving reccomendations, but don't be a fucking prick about it, it gets you nowhere.

Lol @ being that upset by something nfu says. You do realise that you can just ignore him, right? Hes opinionated, sure, but so are plenty of people. I find it pretty sad/scary at how many people here seem to see their entire world come crashing down just by him posting. Listening to nfu does not mean you have to give up independent thought CAN like things he does not, while still getting along happily with the charming SOB.

ps. speedofsloth, you need a new name. Theres only room for one sloth around here. And it is not you. You bastard.
Procella said:
I've never liked Six Degrees... but maybe it's because I heard it when I already stopped being really interested in DT music.

Yeah, 6DOIT came for me on the waning of my DT enjoyment...disc one had some entertainment, in a non-serious way. Disc two was mindnumbing - it really is quite amazing how utterly i despised that half.

But hey, if you are in DT fanboyism mode, you'll probably love it. Which im not sure if is a good thing or not.