Bands/albums that've blown you away recently

Everything will always sound better on vinyl (whether or not noticeably) than through digital sound. Analog > digital absolutely.
I believe they can not make digital sound analog, right?

Logically I'm going to say not without maintaining the lesser quality. With analog the output is equal to the input, so you're hearing perfect sound. With digital sound the byte patterns approximate the sound as closely as possible, but it can't be perfect and exact. So you can't transcribe digital audio to analog and redeem sound that has already been lost.
Word...nothing will ever come close to the physicality of a needle touching a groove on vinyl vs. a laser "touching" a pit of data on a CD.

@ObscureInfinity: it mainly sounded fuller to me on vinyl...laptop speakers are never really the best option for making full judgments on bands, but mine are good enough for the most part.
I don't yet but it is a priority, I just don't know when I'll order it yet. Same with Filosofem and Transilvanian Hunger.
Actually most masters these days from more major labels are digital, which is why they're transferred to vinyl they tend to sound like fucking piss because bigger labels don't give enough of a shit to realize that putting a digital master to vinyl without any alterations is fucking stupid. These days, pretty much nothing whatsoever is completely analog any more. Not even bands like Nuclear War Now! are fully analog, it's just not feasible.
Digital offers much more Dynamics, that was the whole reason that It was invented. But the problem is, most producers etc. Use digital in the wrong way.

But yes,Analog kicks alot more ass. Andno, you are right Nec, no band is still fully Analog.

For example, ( dont start a rant because its non-metal)

Tool recorded there whole last album through an old Nieve console( Analog), and then transferred the tracks over to pro tools...Kinnda defeats the purpose, imo.
I'm sure everyone here has heard them 20 million times, but since I'm a noob to the underground scene, I've just recently heard Skinless since joining this forum.

I can't stop listening to them, I just keep replaying their songs on myspace because I can't download in my dorm. If I knew how to do the faces, there would be a sad one here to demonstrate my distaste at that.