Dying Fetus

solarfall_ said:
Just buy Destroy the Opposition and read the lyrics while listening to the songs. They are great and well thought out. Who knew that Dying Fetus were politicians? :Smug:

I think Killing on Adrenaline may have had some political lyrics, but I'm not sure. Jason Netherton, the ex-bassist, is the mind behind all that. Check out his website http://www.demockery.org. The older albums are pure gore lyrically. And there's Kill Your Mother Rape Your Dog as well :)
MURAI said:
Dont like it? But that's how most death-grind vocals are like... I think Netherton's yell and Ghallagher's gargle goes well togather so I think Netherton should of just stayed with Fetus.

Yep that's true. For the most part, that's why I dislike death-grind, the vocals. Dying Fetus can play, there's no doubt about that, and they're (as someone said) seriously heavy, but their lyrics (which, from what I've read, are pretty cool) get burried behind those ultra-gurlgly growls.
Their lyrics are extremely left wing and they make songs against pop culture and capitalism. I like their lyrics for "Praise The Lord (Opium Of The Masses)".

Jews killing Muslims, and Christians killing Jews.
The circle is unending, and all sides always lose.
If faith is blind devotion, then death is the result.
When history is rotten, the young young and pure grow dead and cold.
And the lyrics from "Kill Your Mother Rape Your Dog" :lol: So awesome. KILL YOUR MOTHER.. AND RAPE YOUR FUCKING DOG!

I love most death/grind vocals even if they can be pretty difficult to understand. Netherton does clearer vocals than most other death/grind vocalists. When it comes to metal vocals I cant stand, it's those black metal vocals when they shreak and those operatic power metal vocals.
While DF's Stop at Nothing is good its nothing compared to there earlier releases. The lyrics since Jason left are too base. One of the best things about DF was Jasons lyrics. Misery Index is more of a grind band also so I try not to compare too much. There are lots of other faults with DF that have severly knocked them down a peg or 2 since Distroy the Opposition.
Hmmm, I suppose I see what you mean in a way. Stop at Nothing definately feels different from the earlier material, but its hard for me to pin down. The vocals aren't quite as strong for some reason, and the lyrics aren't quite as convincing, but on the plus side, I actually like the new drummer better. Stylistically, I think he's stronger (I love the fluidity of his double bass rolls) than Kev., and the overal feel of the album is more cohesive to me. I dunno, but listening from one song to the next, the album strings together at least as strongly as Killing on Adrenaline, and stronger than Destroy the Opposition (which is my favourite). I've always found it hard to memorise or remember Dying Fetus songs because to be honest, they're all filled with so many seemingly random riffs and structural variations. That's why I often feel Dying Fetus albums don't hold together that admirably....but Stop at Nothing does to me feel as if it has some continuity between the songs, which I think is a good thing. The problem that a band like Dying Fetus has is mainly song identity; individually they're all so great, but as a collection, they appear more to be just random collections of riffs making it harder to distinguish between them, because the quantitative value of the music (which is admittedly strong) is so overshadowed by the qualitative abundance of riffs/rhythms/ideas etc. I dunno, I just love them regardless, and I don't think Stop at Nothing is an inferior album in their career at all.