Bands/albums that've blown you away recently

1349 - Hellfire
Communic - Waves Of Visual Decay (I still have to get their other album...)
Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal

all epic albums.
2007 Albums that have blown me away

Marduk - Rom 5:12
Machine Head - The Blackening
Baroness - The Read Album
Deathspell Omega - Fas, Ite....

A few bands - Necrophagist, Mastodon, Arch Enemy, Opeth, Enslaved, Isis
Protest The Hero's Fortress...just an incredible album. I didn't think they could get any better after Kezia, but they just seem to become more and more metal with each release. The first album, A Calculated Use of Sound was basically a punk album, and then came Kezia which was still punk but with a lot more metal influence. In Fortress, however, I can barely notice the punk/hardcore influence anymore, as they've totally evolved.
Cenotaph - Reincarnations In Gorextasy
Decaptitaded - The Negation
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Kronos - The Hellenic Terror
Suidakra - The Arcanum
Summoning - Oath Bound
Right now I'm blasting Carcass - Heartwork on repeat :) Prior to that it was Vader - Ultimate Incantation. I go through phases where I need to listen to the older stuff all over again :)

Oh and Meshuggah - ObZen