Bands for grown-ups, bands for kids

It's just the attitudes of people who listen to Radiohead,

I think it depends on the environment: around here they're usually pretentious morons who believe they stand out of the crowd for liking "superior" music. I'm not flaming, just saying: I have no feelings one way or the other about Radiohead, but fans of popular bands are often, and in a vast percentage, sheep.
Agreed with rahvin, and yeah pretentious morons also comprise a good part of Radiohead's fanbase around here.
I don't think I am pretentious because I like Radiohead. In fact, since I only actually know one other person who likes them, I didn't think they were that popular.

I KNOW I am not a sheep by any means. I can't actually think of anyone who listens to the music I do. My friends like radio music, or rap, and my gf loves country. I hate both.
I don't think I am pretentious because I like Radiohead.

The assumed implication worked the other way around: morons tend to like popular, celebrated artists because their music is easily accessible (both in terms of sound and - literally - because they can find their records everywhere), their friends all love them, they hear people talking about them on the radio or on TV, it gives them a sense of belonging to an innocuous majority, they seldom care enough about music to delve deep in the bowels of personal taste.

In fact, since I only actually know one other person who likes them, I didn't think they were that popular.

This is why I mentioned environment: around here (Southern Europe) they're pretty well-known, and judging by several comedy articles on American websites, there must be areas overseas where they are as well.

I KNOW I am not a sheep by any means. I can't actually think of anyone who listens to the music I do.

Again, I wasn't implying anything. To cover all the possible angles, what I believe is: most morons listen to popular bands; most people who listen to popular bands are extremely superficial in their choice; there are definitely morons who listen to obscure bands, or to no music at all; there are definitely fans of popular bands who have lots of brains and even taste in music. To prove I'm not biased, I'll confess again to what most regulars know is my favorite crime: I absolutely love the Pet Shop Boys, one of the most renowned British disco-pop acts ever.
In fact, since I only actually know one other person who likes them, I didn't think they were that popular.

There are plenty of people over here who like them, and almost everyone has at least heard of them (hell, Karma Police played for how long on the radio over here?). That could answer some of the claims about pretentious fans. Personally, I can't stand the band, but purely from a musical standpoint. I just really don't like it.

And yes, everyone has that dirty secret of a band they have somewhere in their mp3 collection. I've excised most of my demons by getting rid of most of the first cds I ever owned. (Of the first three - Oasis, Presidents of the United States of America, and Third Eye Blind - I only still own the Presidents cd.) Though if we were to go by current playlists... Kent and VNV Nation stand out everywhere but here, and Weird Al is the only other. Though I will stand by that choice. White and Nerdy, yo.


EDIT: For some reason I thought Lethe wasn't from the US. Though depending on the population density near you in NH, the result would be pretty similar.
Well, here in my city most people who know Radiohead are 20-something year-old guys who listened to them back in the days of the alt-rock boom. New generations hardly even know Kid A. Sure, there are a few indie rock pseudo-artsy Pitchfork media elitist readers who idolize them, but they're the minority here.
Though he should step back and be Off Flames for a little, if he doesn't want that ice-ipher to melt down, which would make it quite ineffective at easing the burn-pain.

Silly remark of the day:

Band for adults = Ur mum.
Band for children = Ur face.

I know sometimes I don't make sense.
Not metal, but newer Depeche Mode is definitely for a more mature audience. I would say anyway.

The Black League
Depeche Mode

Marilyn Manson(I'd rather not argue it, fact is, more than half the population have no clue as to how deep most of these lyrics are, however childish the musical approach can be sometimes. I'd place this one in between the two catagories, meeting halfway.)
The Offspring(See above.)

Andrew W.K.

Et cetera...
EDIT: For some reason I thought Lethe wasn't from the US. Though depending on the population density near you in NH, the result would be pretty similar.

I don't remember Karma Police being on the radio, but I don't really listen ot the radio because it is mostly crap.

Most people around here listen to country :puke: rap :puke: or radio metal:puke: .

When they tell me they love metal, I crack up, because it is never Dark Tranquilllity or Opeth or Katatonia or Tristania or really anything that I would ever listen to. The most "extreme" band that even a couple of people seem to know about is In Flames. Lots and lots of Slipknot fans around here as well. Garbage.

I only got into Radiohead last year when a buddy loaned me Hail to the Theif. I was blown away.