Bands with the most creative riffing

That's okay, I'm just in a really crap mood, cos I just got my wisdom teeth out...

ouch. i had two removed 3 years ago and now it's time for the other two. damn i know how you feel.

and as for the prog metal/shred discussion: PLEASE. we all know and im sure the pilgrim already knows how most people on this forum feel about that. so could we stop forcing our doctrines down the guy's throat? leave him be. this has gotten really really boring.

and you progmetalpilgrim, go start listening to nick drake or camel and shit. that will you get you on the right track.
Don't worry fellas, I'm not gonna continue this argument, I never had the intention of pushing it as a higher form of music or anything like that, I was just stating my opinion as to what I consider to be creative riffing... The End.
seems like you never heard of Psychotic Waltz's "A Social Grace", Fates Warning's "A pleasant shade of grey" or Anacrusis' "Sreams and whispers". you're generalising, go away.

i only own fates warning out of that three and i must say it's a fantastic nu-prog record...done tastefully without any shreds or show-offs or meaningless wankery. kevin moore on keys on that one!
lol symphony x sucks a big fat one

That's cute.. a troll with 410 posts. Please don't pretend that those of us who have musical appreciation of any kind would give a fuck about your tripe statements.

Bottom line.. if you don't like a band, say why. If you're just here to gang up on someone... don't expect any less in return.
Music is creative when there is a context, a purpose, when it is done with real emotion, songwriting skills, doesn't matter if it is really technical or not...shred is a random Exhibition of how fast your fingers can play, nothing more, there is no substance, i'm not against solos or anything like that, but they have to actually work, and it isn't the case with Dream theater. You are not going to convince anyone here that nonsense prog metal and ultracomplex solos are the highest form of music, don't even try.

I like Dream Theater's Images and Words...
I also like Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss ...

Is there something wrong with that?
That's cute.. a troll with 410 posts. Please don't pretend that those of us who have musical appreciation of any kind would give a fuck about your tripe statements.

Bottom line.. if you don't like a band, say why. If you're just here to gang up on someone... don't expect any less in return.

lol, someone with a fucking bal-sagoth avatar criticizing someone else's sense of 'musical appreciation,' especially someone who's as thoroughly learned at such a young age as rofl nazi
no, images and words is actually a decent album. the problem is that you like symphony x.


Symphony X happens to have excellent musicians, and very well written music. Either way it just comes down to your personal taste in music. If you think the technical stuff is overdone, overplayed, they use too much of their talent or something, maybe you don't like lyrics about medieval shit, then you don't like Symphony X. I actually prefer them over Dream Theater, I think their instrumental section works much better than DT's.